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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 133

Chapter 133 Hug Him Tight
“Philip?” Kara answered in a thin voice. However, no one replied.

“Philip, have you got the news? Frank fell overboard. I'm still waiting for him," she said hoarsely. The tears that had frozen before now flowed again.

“Kara ....”

Catching the faint vibration, her cry suddenly stopped. Her brows furrowed deeply. “Frank?” she sighed in disbelief.

“Yeah, it's me.”

Kara's back spontaneously straightened and her eyes widened. Her head moved back and forth, confused about whether to cry or laugh. “Frank? Is this really you? Are you safe?”

"Yes. Philip saved me. Don't cry anymore, hmm?”

Instead of stopping, Kara's tears fell heavier. Her shoulders rose and fell as her breaths got mixed with laughter. “I'm not dreaming? This is real? You’re safe?”

Frank let out a faint breath. “Didn't I promise to protect you? How can I fulfill my promise if I am not by your side? Now can you open the door please? I'm waiting for you on the east side.”

“Okay, wait for me, Frank. Wait for me!"

Without further ado, Kara ran to meet her lover. The confused Finnic and Sophia couldn't help but follow her.

"Open the door please! Hurry up!"

The crews on guard were wide-eyed. However, they kept moving to fulfill the order. Finnic and Sophia could only wonder. Was Kara hallucinating or was there really a miracle?

As soon as the door opened, everyone behind Kara's back was stunned. Frank Harper was standing before them, right on the floating submarine. Beside him, a man was drying his hair with a towel.

“Hello, Miss Martin,” Philip waved his hand. “I called you many times, but you didn't pick up. When Young Master tried, you immediately answered? This is really unfair.” He shook his head, teasing.

Kara's emotion was suddenly tainted by laughter. “Sorry, I fainted earlier.”

Smiling faintly, Frank sighed heavily. “Sorry for worrying you.”

While Finnic and Sophia were still stunned, the crews rushed to stretch out the stairs. One of them then announced the situation. Frank Harper had returned safely and they no longer needed to search.

As her man returned to her, Kara immediately hugged him tightly. "Frank ...." Her eyes closed in longing.

Frank grimaced slightly before smiling. Then, with one arm, he embraced his lover. “I'm already here, Kara. Don't be afraid anymore.”

“You don't know how panicked I was. You fell right before my eyes. I tried to find you, but you were nowhere to be seen. I called you, but you didn't answer.”

“But now, I am here, with you, answering you.” Frank kissed the head under his chin.

"Never disappear again." Kara pressed her cheek against Frank's shoulder tighter. Some people were moved to see it. Only two people were not—Finnic who snorted jealously and Philip who grimaced worriedly.

"Hmm, Miss Martin ...." Philip interrupted from the submarine. “For your information, his left shoulder was injured. It looks like a bone dislocation. I think it will be better if you don't hug him too tightly.”

Kara's eyes suddenly widened. She took a distance and examined her lover. Only then did she know that Frank's body was soaking wet and his left shoulder was abnormal. His lips were blue, either from cold or pain.

"Gosh! You should have told me sooner, Philip. Come on, Frank. Let’s go to the medical room. You should be checked as soon as possible.”


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