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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 135

Chapter 135 Attend A Party Together
Before Emily could pout, Jeremy cleared his throat. “Fortunately, Mrs. Martin is full of preparation.” He casually placed a suitcase on the elevator floor.

"Is Yemon inside?" Emily's eyes turned round like a doll’s.

Jeremy smiled slightly. “Yes, your dress and crown too. Your grandmother is afraid that tomorrow you will suddenly have to attend the party. So, she prepared for it.”

In an instant, all the wrinkles on Emily's face disappeared. Hugging the suitcase that was the size of herself, she said, "Thank you, Mr. Driver."

“You're welcome, Young Lady. Now, get some rest. It's already too late. Don't let dark circles appear under your eyes."

Emily widened her eyes in horror. "Is it true? My eyes can turn black like panda eyes?"

"Jeremy?" Frank glared at him before holding Emily's shoulder. “Don't worry, Princess. The party starts at nine o'clock. We can get up a little late so you can have enough sleep."

“But Mommy and I still have to dress up. We need at least two hours.”

While Louis patted his forehead, Kara let out a laugh. “Don't worry, Little Bee. Jeremy was just teasing you. No dark circles will appear, as long as you don't cry anymore.

“Mommy's right!” Louis said with a lazy gesture. “There's nothing you need to worry about, Emily. If your eyes are black and swollen, just stick them with ice. Now, how about we go to our room? I'm tired. My energy is drained because I worried too much about Daddy."

Intrigued by the remark, Frank chuckled. “Okay, let's go to the cabin. Say goodbye to Jeremy.”

“See you, Mr. Driver.”

“Thank you for taking us here.”

While the twins were waving their hand, the elevator doors closed. Frank and Kara looked at each other. This atmosphere was something new for them.

“It’s the four of us now?” the man whispered.

Kara nodded with a sweet smile. “Yeah, four of us.”

At the cabin, the four of them immediately fell asleep. Louis was right. What they had gone through was too exhausting. When they woke up, Emily was busy looking for ice to compress everyone's faces.

“Mommy, am I beautiful yet?” Emily asked as they walked towards the party venue.

Before Kara could answer, Louis replied, "You said it took two hours to get dressed. But the only thing that's changed is your hair.”

“That's because I'm still small, Louis! I can't use make up yet for the sake of my skin's health. "When I grow up, I will make makeup that children can wear," Emily said proudly.

Frank chuckled. While stroking the back of Emily's hand, he smiled at Kara. "Our daughter is really great. Even though she is still small, she already has a very big dream.”

"Yes. That's why they are our most valuable treasure," Kara rubbed Frank's shoulder affectionately.

“My dreams are big too!” Louis exclaimed, looking up with round eyes. “I want to make the most advanced technology to help many people, such as cool cars, rockets, and smart homes. I also want to make cool apartments for people who don't have much money. Apart from that, I will make music to entertain everyone.”

"Wow, that's really cool, Buddy," Frank replied with a proud smile.

"I also have other goals besides making make up," Emily raised her hands excitedly. “I want to be a great designer! I will design clothes, bags, shoes, crowns … everything that makes a woman look more radiant.”

Smiling brightly, the little girl kept talking about her dreams. Frank and Kara listened carefully. Occasionally, they gave her compliments. Not wanting to lose, Louis added more to his list.

After a while, they arrived at the venue. Frank held Emily’s hand and Kara got Louis. When they took photos at the welcoming booth, the other guests could not blink watching them.

The groomsman who was talking to Finnic also got stunned. “Gosh, aren't they a perfect family?” he sighed.

Finnic turned around. When he found Kara with Frank and the twins, his breath hitched. His eyes trembled and his lungs were full of jealousy. He couldn't deny that he wanted to be in that position.


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