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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 136

Chapter 136 Kara Has Chosen Me
Frank shook his head slowly. "That’s your choice. You're the one who decided to stop believing in her. You’re also the one who chose to find a new girlfriend."

“Now ….” Frank lowered his tone. "It's up to you whether you want to repeat your mistakes, or learn not to leave the girl of your choice. I'm sure there's a reason you chose Sophia as Kara's replacement. You might have thought that she was better than Kara."

Once again, Frank patted Finnic on the shoulder. “My advice, keep that thought. Not because I'm afraid of you taking Kara from me, but for the sake of the peace of your life. Kara has chosen me. It wouldn't be fair to her if she kept being haunted by the past. Same for you, it's unfair if you kept clinging to the past and sacrifice your future."

"You have no right to dictate the course of my life."

“No,” Frank interjected, raising an eyebrow. “I’m not dictating. It’s an advice. Other people can give us advice, right? But, aren't we the ones who decide our attitude?"

After smiling a crooked smile, Frank left. He knew Finnic needed time to digest the situation.

“Frank, what were you talking to him about? Is he okay? The bride will be here soon," Kara asked, waiting for the answer with round eyes.

"Did you beat up that arrogant man, Daddy?" Louis thrust his fist forward.

“No, Buddy. I just gave him a little lecture, like you usually give to me. And you have to remember, if we want to make someone pay, do it in an elegant way."

Emily's eyes got widened. "Daddy wants to beat him in business?"

Frank chuckled. "That’s right. Special for today, let's consider him as a friend. Be a good guest."

"Okay!" Louis exclaimed as he narrowed his eyes at the table full of food. "As a good guest, I will eat heartily."

Suddenly, Emily giggled. Raising her palm to the side of her mouth, she pointed at another, smaller table. “Look at that, Louis! The chocolate waterfall is very beautiful. If we dip strawberries in there, it must taste delicious!”

“Yeah, I'm aiming for that too, but after the main menu. We have to get to that long table first, Emily.”

While the twins were busy making a plan, Kara was distracted by Finnic who had returned. Several people immediately surrounded him, making sure that he was okay. After a while, the music changed and the bride came.

"Looks like my lecture works," Frank muttered as he glanced to the side.

Kara lowered an eyebrow. "What did you say to him?"

"Not much. Man talk.”

Kara's eyes grew narrower. However, instead of giving an explanation, Frank laughed and gave her a peck on the cheek. “Be a good guest.”

While smiling wryly, Kara turned her gaze towards Sophia. However, just as she was about to watch the procession, the phone in her bag vibrated.

"Someone called?" Frank asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes," Kara answered stiffly. She herself wondered who could contact her so early on a Sunday. “Jeremy?”

Looking at Frank questioningly, she answered, “What's wrong, Jer?”

“Miss Martin, I just got the news. Rowan Harper had a heart attack last night. Now he is being treated in hospital."

Kara was round eyed. "How is his condition?" she asked in a half whisper.

“The critical phase has passed. But now, he is still weak.”

Kara nodded. After Jeremy's call ended, she looked at her lover with a serious expression.

“Frank,” she glanced at the twins briefly before she whispered, “Your grandfather is in the hospital. He had a heart attack.”


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