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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 137

Chapter 137 I'm Here With You
“You said you've written down our wishes, right? How about we just add the things we want from Great Grandpa? Hopefully that will make him aware that we expect his presence. We are still one family.”

Frank was stunned to hear Emily's words. Those words felt tickling in his chest.

Realizing her lover's emotion, Kara reached out and stroked his cheek. “If you can change, your grandfather can too. Just have a little more patience, Frank. I'm sure he will accept Louis and Emily."

Frank took Kara's hand and kissed it. “Thank you, Queen Bee.”

"Stop calling me that," Kara said, frowning cutely.

Frank laughed faintly. He did not dare to express his emotion. Actually, it wasn't the twins he worried about. They were genius and talented. It was easy for them to win Rowan's heart.

But Kara? How to make Rowan acknowledge her qualities? The old man was a perfectionist who always judged everything based on titles, achievements, and potential. Should Frank hand over one of the projects to Kara so Rowan can see a different side of her?

"Kara, if you had the chance, what business would you like to try?"

The woman pushed her head back. “Why suddenly ask that?”

"Just want to know. So, what business?”

Kara blinked for a moment. “I'm not talented in the business world, Frank.”

Suddenly, Emily chuckled. Her smile looked suspicious to Frank. "Mommy ..., did you say we shouldn't lie?" she said as if testing.

Louis' expression was the same. He even wiggled his tiny finger as if he wanted to tickle Kara. "Mommy can't lie to Daddy."

Frank stifled a smile. Leaning forward, he narrowed his eyes. "So, your mother is talented in business?"

“Yes!” The twins nodded in unison.

“Mommy often talks about the ideas in her head. I'm often ispired by that."

“Inspired, Louis,” Emily corrected in her sweet, endearing voice.

Louis suddenly looked weary. “Yeah, that's what I mean.”

After laughing briefly, Frank returned his gaze to Kara. “So, what is your business idea, My Queen?”

Kara's breathing turned heavy. She knew that Frank would definitely make whatever she said come true. "I'm not sure if this can be profitable," she grinned.

"It doesn’t matter. Some Savior projects put the positive impact first. Savior is not all about profit.”

The corners of Kara's lips slowly lifted higher. Taking a deep breath, she began to envision her idea. "Actually, there is one thing I really want to make happen. Create an application that can make the work of all mothers around the world easier."

Frank watched her intently. "How does it work?"

"I got the idea when I was struggling to support the twins. When I first became a mother, it was very hard for me." Kara's voice grew lighter. Her gaze became even dreamier.

"Even though I'm with my mother, I still have difficulty taking care of baby Louis and Emily. I have neither knowledge nor experience. I don't know anything about parenting, let alone being a single mother. That's why ...." Kara made a smile that melted Frank's heart.

"I hope there is an application that can teach me about babies and parenting. I imagine it can also be used as a journal to record each child's development, schedules, lists of things I have to do, reminders."

"Mommy also said it would be cool if the application could be used for consultations," Emily continued, blinking cutely.

"Yes, and also for shopping for our needs," Louis nodded before turning to his father. "Back then, Mommy was too busy. So, Mommy always rushed every time she went shopping. Grandma said Mommy once took the old man diapers for us when we were babies."


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