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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 149

Chapter 149 Special Cake For Rowan
Jeremy caught a signal from Frank's gaze. Feeling that the situation was still under control, he nodded faintly.

Meanwhile, the candles were already lit. The guests sang for the twins while occasionally glancing at Rowan. Frank and Kara were doing the same. Although they were suspicious and feeling threatened, they applauded as if there was no problem.

Thinking their party was going as intended, the twins smiled ear to ear. They were too innocent to recognize the danger. They even didn’t realize that Rowan had silently disappeared.

“The first cake is for Mommy. Thank you for giving birth and raising us, Mommy!”

Kara smiled and stroked the twins' heads. After kissing their cheeks one by one, she accepted the cake. "Thank you, Little Bees."

"You're welcome, Mommy."

After giggling, the twins took another plate. Together, they gave it to Frank. “The second piece is for Daddy. Thank you for coming back with us, Daddy.”

Frank sighed proudly. He showered the twins with kisses. Amused laughter escaped them, spreading the warmth. After that, Frank received the piece of cake as if it were a jewel. “Thank you, Kids.”

"You're welcome, Daddy!"

Then, the toddlers turned to Susan. Their faces were still bright when they gave the cake to her. However, as they were about to bring the cake to Rowan, their eyebrows rose.

"Where's Great Grandpa?"

Everyone turned to one point. The chair that Rowan had been sitting on was empty.

“The Great Master is inside. He said that the air outside was too cold for him," a guest exclaimed.

Frank and Kara looked at each other. Their feelings were the same, possessed by an unpleasant premonition.

“Shall we go in?” Kara whispered.

Before Frank had time to answer, Emily had already walked over to bring the piece of cake for Rowan. Louis walked behind her with a spoon in his hand.

“Everyone, please enjoy the meal! We’ll be back after we deliver the cake to Great Grandpa," Louis exclaimed with sparkling eyes.

Frank sighed heavily. He glanced at Jeremy. His assistant just shrugged his shoulders. Together with Kara, Frank finally caught up with the twins.

“Great Grandpa … Great Grandpa …!”

Louis and Emily's voices echoed. With small steps, they explored the mansion until they entered the east veranda. Rowan was sitting in one of the chairs looking at the night sky.

"Great Grandpa!"

Emily quickened her pace, but not much, afraid of dropping the cake. Louis also walked carefully. He seemed ready to catch the plate in case Emily tripped over her own feet. When they arrived in front of Rowan, they both smiled warmly.

"We've finished blowing out the candles and cutting the cake. We gave the first piece to Mommy. The second piece is for Daddy.”

“The third piece is for Grandma. But when we wanted to share the fourth piece, Great Grandpa wasn't there. It turns out you’re here.”

Rowan's eyebrows rose. "You want to give me the cake?"

Kara secretly clenched her fists at that cold tone. Frank even shut his mouth tightly. However, the twins didn't think it was a problem at all.


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