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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 150

Chapter 150 Separate Them!
Frank bent his knees. He stroked the twins' backs, as if they were so fragile. “Louis, Emily, you don't need to worry. No matter what happens, the four of us will stay together. Daddy will marry Mommy and we will become one family, with or without Great Grandpa's support.”

The old man snorted. While putting the spoon on the table, he muttered, “Do you think I'll let that happen? Don’t expect."

Frank's shoulders shook. He began to have difficulty holding back the turmoil in his chest. Before he lost control, he quickly carried Louis and Emily. "Kids, don't pay attention to what he says. Let's get back to the party. Let’s continue to have fun. This is your special day, right?”

“Sean ….” Rowan's voice caught Frank and Kara's attention. Their eyes had turned more alert. “Separate them! Lock my grandson in his room and get those pests out of here!”

Frank sighed in disbelief. He handed the twins to Kara then stood up straight protecting them. “Philip!”

At that moment, the guards ran in and formed a defense. However, Rowan’s men appeared from the garden. Their number made Kara sigh anxiously. “Frank?”

She wanted to pull his arm back. However, both of her hands were full. Meanwhile, the twins' whining became louder.

"Mommy, I'm scared," Emily sobbed, nuzzling into the crook of her mother's neck.

“Mommy, can we win? There are too many of them.”

Hearing the twins' unrest, Frank silently cursed himself. How could he be careless? The security was too party-centric. He should not be off guard at the gate and around the fence.

Seeing his grandson's tense expression, Rowan chuckled. “Come on, Frank. Surrender! It's not too late to let them go safely."

Frank's cheek began to twitch. His fists became firmer. However, just as he was about to take a stand, the sound of slow applause came from the door.

“Great .... This is so great!”

In an instant, everyone turned their heads and froze. Frank furrowed his brows, and so did Rowan. Kara wondered too. Why did Vivian come clapping?

"Great!" the middle-aged woman said for the umpteenth time. “Years have passed, it turns out you are still the same. I can barely tell the difference between consistency and stubbornness.”

Rowan raised his hand so his men froze. "What do you mean?"

Sensing the change in atmosphere, the twins' crying stopped. While trying to hold back the remaining sobs, they watched Vivian walk over.

“Do you guys think … that night was a mistake?” she asked with a thin smile that was different from usual. There was a cunning impression on her face.

Silence engulfed them. As Frank and Kara glanced at each other, Rowan was busy doing the analysis.

"No.” Vivian raised an eyebrow. “For me, that was a success. Didn't I tell you that Kara is the girl of my choice?"

“What do you mean, Madam?” Kara sighed. She could not contain her confusion any longer.

Folding her arms across her chest, Vivian took a deep breath. Her gaze was dreamy. "I did it for Norman."

Frank gasped. It had been a long time since he heard someone say that name. "What happened to my late father?"

Vivian's smile suddenly turned sad. There was pain depicted there.


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