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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 152

Chapter 152 I'm Evil
Jeremy shrugged lightly. “Live life as usual. How about we continue the party now? Guests will be bored if they wait too long.”

Kara quickly nodded. Putting Emily into Frank's arms, she whispered, “Jeremy's right. Let's go back to the party.”

She gave him a wink. Frank understood what she meant.

"Okay, Mrs. Bell .…” Frank turned to face Vivian. However, remembering that she was Norman’s ex and the mastermind behind the incident with Kara, he suddenly felt awkward. "We'll talk again later."

Vivian gave a small nod. She was grateful for the couple's understanding. She really needed time with Jeremy.

However, when Frank and Kara walked towards the door, Jeremy was about to follow. Without thinking, Vivian held his arm. "Jeremy ...." She looked at him with longing eyes.

Jeremy furrowed his brows faintly. After a blink, he muttered, “I don't think we have anything to talk about now, Madam. As Young Master and Young Lady said, they need time to digest everything.”

Vivian's nose flared. Her heart ached to hear that her son was reluctant to call her "mother".

However, Vivian understood. She could no longer force her ego. After one heavy breath, she loosened her grip. "Can we talk after you've calmed down?" she asked hopefully.

Jeremy fell silent for a moment. Taking a heavy breath, he nodded faintly. “Excuse me, Ma'am.”

With aching heart, Vivian watched her son walk away. She had actually calculated the risk a long time ago. However, she didn't expect it to be that painful.


"Hey, you’re still here?" Kara whispered as she approached her lover at the side of Louis’ bed.

Frank looked over. Seeing Kara in a nightgown, he smiled. "They’re sleeping very soundly. They must be tired. A lot happened today."

Kara stopped next to Frank's chair, staring at the twins. Emily looked cute with her cheek puffed up by Yemon, while Louis looked adorable with his mouth slightly agape.

"Apart from the incident earlier, I think they had fun." Kara glanced at Frank and pursed her lips. "Thank you for preparing a lively party for the twins."

"No need to thank me, Kara. It's my duty." Frank grabbed his lover's fingers and stroked them.

Kara's smile widened again. However, seeing the sadness in Frank's gaze, the twinkle in her eyes didn't last long. "Want to talk to me? I'm ready to listen."

Frank took a deep breath. After he got up from the chair, they left Louis' bed, walking casually towards Frank's room.

"Kara, do you think I'm going too far?"

Kara furrowed her eyebrows. "In terms of what?"

Frank's breathing sounded heavy. "My behavior. Before I knew you, I was an arrogant man. You were also annoyed with me, right?"

Kara laughed a little. "Yes, you were very annoying back then—especially, when you made me a guinea pig in that autopilot car. My blood was so boiling."

"But I got the karma straight away. Do you remember? You threw up on me." Frank laughed too.

"Yeah, but then, you cut my pay. You were really mean back then, Frank. I'm thankful you've changed."

The man nodded. Slowly, the curve of his lips shrunk. His steps slowed down.

"So," he stopped and turned to face Kara, "you agree that I went too far?"


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