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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 151

Chapter 151 The True Heir
Vivian gulped. Her lips trembled as her hands began to grip the buttons of her own shirt. "He ...."

“Say it, Auntie! If he is my father's son, Harper's blood also flows in his body. He's my older brother, the first child of Norman Harper, the true Savior heir.”

Rowan sighed heavily. His hands gripped the chair handle tighter. "No! This must be just your imagination! You want to snatch Savior from Frank, hmm? I will never let my company fall into the hands of fraudster."

“You think I'm happy to go on this mission?” Vivian snapped unexpectedly. Everyone was stunned to see her. It turned out that the graceful woman could also be terrible.

“Over and over again, I reminded myself to forget about the grudges. But what? Every time I saw my son, I always thought of his cowardly father. Every night, I couldn't sleep because I was holding back hatred that couldn't possibly be expressed."

As sobs escaped between her breaths, her voice weakened. “Until I couldn't stand it, I sent my son to an orphanage. I was blinded by revenge. I was too focused on my misfortunes, to the point that my son was neglected.”

“Where is your son?” Rowan asked, raising his chin. "If your story is not made up, where is the illegitimate child?"

Vivian pressed her trembling lips together. Controlling her emotions, she shook her head slowly. "I don't know. The day I left him at the orphanage was the last day I was with him. After that, I was too embarrassed to meet him. I've left him for years. Is there any reason to ask him back to me? I was never there when he needed me. I ... don't deserve to be called a mother.”

“Why did you say that, Mrs. Bell? That's not true," Emily said in her sweet, slightly hoarse voice.

“Yeah, you gave birth to your son. You also had time to raise him alone. Even though you leave him in the end, you are still his mother," Louis continued with a serious expression.

Emily nodded. “Look at our Daddy. He left us, even when we were born. But, wherever he is, he is still our Daddy.”

"Our cases are different, Twins," Vivian shook her head helplessly. “Frank left you because of ignorance, while I ... I did it on purpose. My son must really hate me. He couldn't possibly expect me to come back.”

"I think you are wrong again, Mrs. Bell," Emily replied with sad eyes. "Look at me! I was really angry when Daddy came back. But, anger has an expiration date. After all, he is still the Daddy we always want to have. Now, I'm happy to call him Daddy.”

"I am also like that. I was also annoyed with Daddy. That’s why I gave him a punishment. But, after seeing his seriousness in making amends, I forgave him more quickly. Now, I'm glad we can get together.”

While Frank stroked the twins' heads, Rowan growled. He was no longer thinking about the grandson in front of him, but rather his lost grandson.

“Then where? Say it! Where is your son?"

Vivian stared at Rowan blankly. Her lips had turned pale and her mouth was dry. “What would you do if you already knew his position? You will destroy him? Or give him a position because he is the first son of Norman?”

Rowan's chest heated up at the sarcastic tone. “Say it first. Only then can I decide."

The corners of Vivian's lips lifted slightly. “His appearance is very similar to Norman. It's just that he inherited my eye color and personality."

“Don't beat around the bush!” Rowan shouted.

Vivian suddenly laughed. “Why should I tell you where he is? You even have the heart to chase away children as cute as Louis and Emily. I don't want to be reckless. You will definitely hunt him down.”

“Stop it,” Jeremy's voice echoed. Everyone suddenly turned around. “I beg you, stop.”

Frank's eyes widened. His mouth opened and let out a sigh. After all the years he had known his assistant, this was the first time he found that expression—tired and helpless.


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