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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 158

Chapter 158 Forever Gone
As Emily was still sobbing, Louis was pouting. Even though the mourners had left, both of them were reluctant to go home.

"Little Angel, can you stop crying? Great Grandpa must be sad looking at you from up there. You want him to rest in peace, right?" Kara rubbed Emily's cheek then stroked Louis' shoulder. Their eyes were already swollen.

However, instead of subsiding, Emily's cries only got louder. Even Louis started to whine.

"Why did he die so soon, Mommy? He just changed. He should be having fun with us, not buried like this. Now, how can we cross out the point in the guidebook? Great Grandpa is gone. He can no longer accompany me and Emily everywhere."

Louis faltered. His shoulders shook violently. However, he still wanted to go on. "In fact, I already planned to add more points to the list. I want to introduce Great Grandpa to my friends at school. I also want to take him on a plane. I can go on holiday out of town while learning business from him. Now what? He’s gone."

While Louis sobbed, Emily’s voice quavered in pain. "I also plan to add some points to the list. Great Grandpa has never read us stories. He has never played, had a walk, or taken photos with us. He never ... he ...."

As Emily was choked, Kara pulled her into a hug and also Louis. The trembling from their little bodies spread fast to her heart. She could not help but let the tears rolling down her face.

Sighing heavily, Susan rubbed the twins’ shoulders. Even though her touch didn't help, at least she tried, unlike Frank who had difficulties dealing with his own pain. He was kneeling down at the side of the grave.

"Grandpa ...." Frank closed his eyes. Two drops of tears fell to the ground. His hands were clenched so tightly. He wasn't sure what he was holding. Sadness? Regret? Disappointment? Whatever it was, it felt really suffocating.

With a gloomy face, Jeremy rubbed his brother's shoulder. He knew very well how much Frank loved Rowan.

Even though Frank often harbored annoyance to his grandfather, Rowan was the one who accompanied Frank from time to time. Those two people were like two poles in one magnet. They never met but always together.

"Frank," Jeremy whispered, giving him a light, encouraging pat.

However, Frank shook his head, refusing any consolation. "It's my fault, Jeremy. If only I'd forced him to come eat with us ...." He swallowed like it was a rough gravel.

"If only I had insisted on solving all the problems yesterday afternoon, the accident wouldn't have happened. Grandpa would still be with us."

With his hand still on Frank’s shoulder, Jeremy blinked at the clouds. The sky seemed to understand the situation of their hearts—lack of the light.

"It's not your fault, Frank. It's fate." Jeremy tried to calm his younger brother again.

However, Frank still sobbed. "Grandpa still has many things to do. He hasn't had time to apologize to Kara, to the children. He hasn't had time to make amends for his mistakes. He ...."

Frank choked again. His eyes were getting redder. "I haven't had a chance to hug him. All I did last time was just holding his arm. All I said last time was an invitation to dinner."

After one heavy sigh, Frank's sobs was getting louder. "I should have said that it's okay that he taught me the wrong way. I understand he did that because he wanted the best for me. I was just annoyed because he tried to separate me from Kara and Kids. But ...."

Frank gripped Jeremy's arm like it was his only support. "He's changed. He regretted. So, I'm not annoyed with him anymore. I'm actually happy, proud that he's finally changed. But ... but ...."

Frank glanced at the grave and then looked down helplessly. His head shook in resignation. "He’s gone and I was late."

"Frank," Kara touched his back. It turned out the twins had been handed over to Susan.

"Kara ...." Biting his lip, Frank tried to hold his tears. He hugged Kara, resting his chin on her shoulder. He felt tired—very tired. His feelings were too heavy. "I shouldn't have let him go, Kara. I should have forced him to eat with us."

Kara didn't deny it. She took a deep breath and whispered softly, "It's okay, Frank. It's okay even if you feel guilty. It means you love your grandfather. He will understand."

As Kara rubbed his back, Frank tightened his embrace. His heart felt so empty. He hoped that Kara's warmth would be enough to fill it.


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