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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 171

Chapter 171 S2| Melanie Harper
Everyone stunned, even the twins. Their eyeballs shook, looking for an explanation.

"Mommy? Is that witch really our grandmother?" Louis whispered.

Emily quickly hushed. Her index finger was extended in front of her pursed lips. “Watch your mouth, Louis.”

Meanwhile, Kara let out a faint sigh. Without waiting for orders, she took the twins from Frank's arms. "Come here, Little Bees."

Frank handed over the two toddlers with a blank gaze. His face was a little pale. When he straightened up again, Melanie immediately hugged him.

“Sorry, I only saw you now. I didn't know that your grandfather had died. I shouldn't let you face everything alone. That must be really hard for you.”

Frank's breath hitched. His chest felt tight instead of warm. Gritting his teeth, he lowered his mother's hands from him.

"I am not alone. I am with my family—the people who’re always by my side, the people who never left me. What do you want, Mom? Why do you come here after all this time?”

Melanie put some wrinkles on her face. Her tears thickened. "Are you still angry because I left you?"

After a long breath, Melanie looked down and slowly shook her head. “I thought you'd understand when you got older. Apparently not?” She lifted her gaze slightly.

Taking a deep breath, Frank looked the other way. He didn't want to be taken in by his mother's drama.

“Kara, bring the kids in. I'll follow soon.”

“At that time,” Melanie interrupted, absorbing all of their attention, “I didn't have any other choice. Your father died, my status was questioned, and my family’s company fell down. Was there a reason to stay when your grandfather no longer liked me? He thought I wasn’t worthy to be by your side. He called me a burden and a bringer of bad luck to your father."

The atmosphere suddenly froze. The ice was only broken when Frank snorted sarcastically. “You left me just because of that? Because of the cold treatment and insults from Grandpa?"

Shaking his head, Frank laughed bitterly. “Everything is clearer now. Our relationship is just status. You are my mother and I am your son. Nothing else. There is no love, care, or meaningful impression.”

“No, Frank. It is not like that. I love you. A mother could never hate her child. It is just ...."

Melanie stopped as if choked with pain. “I thought you could get a better life if you stayed with your grandpa. Besides, it's impossible for me to take you away too. Your grandfather will not stay still.”

Frank's gaze turned cold. His tone dropped drastically. "Do you know how hard it was for Kara to stay by my side? She struggled so hard to change Grandpa's view of her. Yet, no matter what happened, she still held my hand. Why weren't you like that? You easily let go of my hand."

Melanie exhaled heavily. Her shoulders dropped further. "I am sorry, Son. I am really sorry."

"If you're really sorry, why haven't you visited me? You’re having too much fun with your new family, huh?"

Melanie gasped. Her eyes dimmed. "You know that? Did you secretly find out about me?"

Frank fell silent. His chest rose and fell to match his breathing. He had leaked wrong information.


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