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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 172

Chapter 172 S2| The Queen Of This House
“Kara,” Frank whispered softly, “do you mind if my mother lives with us?”

Kara glanced at Philip briefly. They had the same idea. She was sure Frank had it too, but he also had no choice.

“This is your house and she is your mother. Of course she has the right to stay here, Frank. I have no right to forbid it.” Kara curled up the corners of her lips.

Frank caressed her face. After restoring his smile, he lowered his gaze. “Kids, would you mind if your grandmother lived with us?”

The twins stared at each other. Their cheeks puffed out and their brows furrowed. After one breath of resignation, Emily said, "It doesn't matter, Daddy."

“Yeah, after all, she is your mother. We don't want Daddy to be a disobedient son," Louis continued, half-heartedly.

The curve of Frank's lips turned crooked. “Thank you, Kids.”

After giving them kisses, Frank turned back to Melanie. "You can stay with us."

Melanie breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you, Son. Thank you."

Without hesitation, she pulled Frank into a hug. “From now on, let's be a real mother and son. I promise not to leave you again. Let's make up for the times that we just missed.”

Frank took a deep breath. His lungs seemed bottomless. “Yeah, let's start over from the beginning.” He patted Melanie on the back, awkwardly.

Frank had once longed for that hug. He thought that his mother's warmth could heal the remaining wounds in his heart. However, knowing that Melanie had hidden intentions, he felt empty. That's not what he imagined.

“How about we go in and chat inside? It would be much more comfortable than talking in front of a gate like this.” Kara widened her smile. The twins nodded, supporting her suggestion.

“Yeah,” Melanie said hoarsely, “let's have a talk inside. There are a lot of things I want to hear about you, Frank, and about you guys.”

Melanie looked at Kara and the twins one by one. The look on her face was friendly, but the toddlers were holding their breath. They seemed like not wanting to suck in the air polluted by falsehood.

“Excuse me, Sir, Ma’am,” Philip interrupted politely. "Which room should be prepared?"

"My old room is fine," Melanie answered with a triumphant smile. Her eyes flashed with disdain before returning her gaze to Frank warmly. "You haven't changed your parents' room, right?"

Frank nodded stiffly. “Philip, please clean that main room.”

"Okay, Sir."

"For me, any room will do," Barbara said lightly. All eyes immediately turned to her.

"What? Aren't I welcome too?” Her gaze ended on Frank. “You don't mind accepting your half-sister, do you?”

Frank sighed faintly. “Prepare a room for her.”

"Okay, Sir."

While Barbara and Melanie smiled faintly, Frank stroked the twins' heads. “Kids, why don't you take your grandmother in? Philip will accompany you.”

"Where are you going, Daddy? Aren’t you coming in with us?" Emily's eyes widened.

“Daddy and Mommy are still jet lagged. We want to get some fresh air for a moment. We will follow soon.” Frank stroked his daughter's chubby cheek.

“Bali is 15 hours faster than us. It's natural that Mommy and Daddy are jet lagged." Louis patted Kara's arm twice. After his mother put him on the ground, he immediately grabbed Emily's hand. “Come on, Emily. Let’s do our job. Grandma, Auntie, please come with us.”

While Melanie and Barbara got into the limousine, Philip swiftly lifted the suitcase. "Thank you for coming back on time, Sir," he whispered as he halted for a moment at his boss' side.


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