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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 175

Chapter 175 S2| My Patience Is Running Thin
"Mommy ...." The twins hugged their mother's legs.

Kara glanced over and smiled. "Hey, why are you guys here?"

"As expected, being kind to bad people is difficult. They're too annoying, Mommy."

"Yes. I almost cried earlier," Emily rubbed her eyes as she had done before.

While cutting the tomatoes, Susan sighed. "What else can we do? They're our family too."

Kara gave a limited nod. Her hands casually turned over chicken meat in the frying pan. "Yes. We have to be patient with them."

"But my patience is very thin, Mommy. How can I bear to see their behavior?"

Kara put down the spatula and bent down to pat her son's cheek. "By being silent. If you feel like getting angry or crying, just hold your breath. Count to nine. No need to talk."

"Why nine?" Emily tilted her head.

"If you want longer, that's fine. But can you do it?"

The twins raised two hands together with one finger folded. "Okay, just nine."

Kara laughed and ruffled the twins' hair. "Want to help Mommy make sandwiches?"

The two toddlers jumped happily. "Yeah!"

While the twins were cheerful again, Frank was still looking down. His gaze was the same as the plate in front of him—empty. The look on his face was the same as his shoulders—helpless.

"Brother, are you sure you want to wait for them? Just eat. These shrimps are much better than sandwiches and salad. Those two dishes are too ordinary."

Frank let out a faint breath. He was bored and lazy to talk.

Suddenly, a piece of prawn came to his plate. Frank gasped.

"Why are you so surprised? This isn't the first time I put food on your plate. When you were little, I always did this."

Frank's breath suddenly rumbled. While clenching his fists, he controlled his tone. "Did you really forget, Mom? I can't eat shrimp."

The curve of Melanie's lips pursed. After a few blinks, she sucked in air through her mouth. "You're also allergic to shrimp like your father? Gosh! I'm sorry, Frank."

Barbara froze. She knew that expression. Her mother really panicked.

"Really, I'm sorry. Barbara was too enthusiastic about sharing her favorite food with you. I forgot about your allergies."

After swallowing the shrimp, Barbara added, "Yes, I'm sorry too, Brother. I really didn't know about your allergies. If I had known, I wouldn't have suggested changing the menu."

Frank smiled wryly. The two people didn't hesitate to tease Kara and the twins, but were worried about offending him. What were they really planning?

"So, what have you been busy with lately? Do you have a stake in the company?"

Melanie and Barbara froze for a moment. The change of topic was too sudden.

"No. My father's company is a mining company. That's not a woman's field."

Frank raised an eyebrow and nodded mysteriously. It turned out his mother hadn't changed. Smart but lazy. She just wanted to live happily without giving some efforts. Barbara copied her footsteps.

"Then, what do you do every day?"

Melanie laughed faintly. "You've been secretly watching me all this time, Frank. You must have known. Why are you still asking?" She tried to warm her voice, but it sounded strange.

"Didn't you come here to familiarize yourself with me? What's wrong with me asking about your daily life?" Frank leaned back and shrugged his shoulders.

Melanie pondered for a moment. After glancing at her daughter, she cleared her throat. "I am busy taking care of the house. We don't have as many servants as there are here. So, I have many things to handle."

"Is that so? Then what about you?" Frank glanced at Barbara.


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