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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 176

Chapter 176 S2| Hidden Intention
Melanie pulled Barbara to sit with her on the edge of the bed. "We have to win your brother's sympathy. Now that I think about it, he has been blinded by those lowly people. We won't be able to shift their position openly."

"Then what should we do? I don't want to pretend to be nice to them. That's not my style."

Melanie patted the back of Barbara's hand. "Just ignore them. If you can't do anything good, just be neutral. Don't bother or mention anything about them."

Barbara frowned. "That's even more difficult."

"Just focus on winning your brother's heart. Don't think about anything else."

"How do we do it? You don't even remember his allergy. We need to know the enemy before challenging him," Barbara said sarcastically.

Melanie took a deep breath, controlling her emotions. "I haven't had anything to do with Frank for a long time. Isn't it natural that I forgot about his allergy? My focus has only been on you, Darling."

Gradually, the wrinkles on Barbara's face faded. After her heart softened, she sighed in resignation.

"That means we have to find out about him first?"

Melanie tapped her daughter's hand. "I told you about the Harper family standards, right? How about you try to live up to them?"

"You told me to go back to college? Or do you want me to work?" Barbara's voice suddenly became shrill.

"Savior is a big company. In recent years, they have also been trying out the fashion sector. How about you try it? I will persuade Frank to give you a position. You can't waste it."

Barbara's jaw dropped. "What position? Can I? I don't know anything about the company."

Once again, Melanie patted the back of her daughter's hand. "You definitely can. You inherited my brain. You can achieve anything with a little effort."

"But you have to direct me, Mom."

Melanie quickly nodded. "Yeah, don't worry."

While mother and daughter were busy developing strategies, Frank was busy talking about his excitement with Kara in Bali. The twins couldn't stop sighing with envy. They even put Bali on their bucket list.

"Next holiday, Mommy and Daddy have to take us there."

"Yes! Apart from that, we also have to go to Lombok. I heard it's also beautiful there. Then we can go to Komodo Island to see the oldest lizard in the world!"

"Komodo? That's scary, Louis."

"But it would be cool!"

As the twins continued to argue, lunch was over. Frank rushed off on his own, calling Jeremy.

"What's wrong, Frank? Why did you cancel our lunch?" Jeremy asked as he received the call.

Sitting in his work chair, Frank sighed. "My mother is back."

"Your mother? Melanie Harris?" Jeremy's voice rose.

"Harper. She claims to be Melanie Harper. I don't know what her motive is. She and her daughter are staying here temporarily."

"You want me to investigate them?"

Frank tapped his fingers on the table. His eyes fell on her wedding photo which was framed in gold.

"Yes. I won't let anyone ruin our happiness. Please investigate the cause of the downfall of the Harris company. And prevent your mother from coming here. I don't want any war here."

"Okay. I'll also step aside for a while. Send my greetings to the others."

"Thanks, Jeremy."

After putting down the cell phone, Frank lifted the photo frame in front of him. Gently, he stroked Kara, Louis, and Emily's faces.

"Please be patient, My Loves. I will take care of them soon."

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door. Frank put the frame back in place and opened a nearby document. "Come in."

"Hello, Son. Are you working?" Melanie smiled and closed the door.


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