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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 189

S21 19. Disturbing Barbara’s Peace 

Barbara just sighed. She was too lazy to talk. 

“We can’t stay still, Dear. We have to prepare a counterattack. Otherwise, they will become even more reckless.” 

“Mom,” Barbara frowned, “can’t you just calm down? Just for one day, don’t worry about anything. I’m still recovering. I need peace.” 

Melanie stared wide eyed. “How can I be calm, Darling? Those parasites are still eating away at your brother’s property. They are 

taking away our rights! I can’t let it happen.” 

Barbara closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She realized that she couldn’t possibly win in an argument with her mother. 

“Whatever, Mom. Just think and do it yourself. Today, I want to rest.” 

Barbara turned around and pulled back the blanket. Melanie was stunned by her daughter’s unusual behavior. 

“Baby, are you okay? Does your head hurt? Did you hit something?” 

“I want to sleep, Mom. If you go out, please turn off the lights.” 

Melanie sighed in disbelief. However, she still fulfilled her daughte request. She came out with a dull face. 

“Is Barbara upset with me?” Melanie started to grumble. “It’s all because of those parasites. They must have instigated Frank to poison Barbara.” 

While walking, Melanie was thinking “How can I separate them? Their bond seems very strong. Is there perhaps a loophole that I can 


Suddenly, Melanie’s eyes fell on a woman who had just come out of 

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the library. Seeing her limping steps, a small curve formed on her lips. 

“Good afternoon, Mrs. Martin.” 

Susan gasped and looked back. “Oh, Mrs. Harper? You’re home? How is your daughter? Is she better?” 

Melanie’s smile almost turned cynical. She thought Susan’s concern 

was not real. 

“Barbara is resting in her room. So, what are you doing here? Finished reading a book?” 

Susan shook her head gently. “No. I just finished tidying up the books. 

Melanie’s eyebrows arched upwards. “The books you just read?” 

Susan smiled. “I used to work in the library. Since Kara asked me to retire, I’ve felt empty. So, I considered Frank’s library and the 

greenhouse as my new workplace.” 

Melanie’s mouth rounded. Her head nodded slightly. She had found, the loophole she was looking for. “So, you stopped working since you moved into this house?” 

The curve of Susan’s lips suddenly froze. After breaking the stiff she laughed faintly. “Yes.” 

“Wow!” Melanie chuckled. “You are very lucky. Your daughter is v caring, while your son-in-law is rich and reliable.” 

Susan understood the tone. Satire. Her smile turned wry. “Yes, your son is very kind and understanding,” she replied simply. 

Melanie snorted. “Did he also give you pocket money?” 

Susan lifted her chin. Her gaze was now level with the noble-style 


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“I am a simple person. I don’t like shopping. So, by relying on pension funds alone, I can support myself.” 

“Is that so?” Melanie raised an eyebrow. Her hands were folded in front of her chest. “Then what about your two grandchildren? Can they also survive without my son’s wealth?” 

Susan’s head immediately pushed back. Her brows furrowed. “What do you mean?” 

Melanie waved her hand. “Nothing. Just wondering. If Frank and Kara weren’t married, what would happen to you guys out there?” 

Susan sighed in disbelief. “Louis and Emily are Frank’s children, his own flesh and blood. Isn’t it natural that he supports them? That is a father’s responsibility.” 

Melanie suddenly laughed again. “Why are you so offended? Come on…. I’m just wondering. Don’t you like reading? Your imagination should be high.” 

Susan didn’t reply at all. Her expression remained the same. She realized that Melanie was deliberately provoking her emotions. 

Suddenly, Melanie poked Susan’s arm. “By the way, where is yo room? I rarely see you upstairs.” 

“My room is downstairs.” 

Susan was no longer friendly. However, Melanie acted as if no had happened. She still pretended to be kind. 

“Why? You know that the rooms upstairs are better, right? Barba was disappointed that she was placed downstairs.” 

“I don’t need a spacious room. A neat and comfortable simple room is enough.” 

“Is that so?” Melanie glanced at Susan’s knees. 

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Susan was secretly anxious. She felt threatened if the woman found 

out about her weakness. 

“Then, may I visit your room? I’m curious how you arranged it.” 

Susan’s brows furrowed again. Her feeling was bad. “My room is certainly not comparable to yours.” 

“No problem. I just wanted to look around. Why? You couldn’t possibly think that I could steal something from your room, right?” 

Susan sighed. She really wanted to refuse. However, she realized that Melanie was the mother of the house owner. Like it or not, she let 

Melanie follow her. 

As soon as the bedroom door opened, Melanie barged in. “What? You have a massage chair?” Her eyeballs almost popped out. 

“It’s a gift from your son.” Susan’s tone was flat. However, it seemed. arrogant to Melanie’s ears. 

“You’re very lucky, Mrs. Martin. Very lucky!” 

Susan fell silent. When Melanie turned to face her, she took a step 

back. Her gaze was too terrifying. 

“Are you happy to get this kind of advantage?” 

Susan’s eyebrows furrowed again. “Advantage?” 

Melanie let out a quick sigh. She couldn’t hold back her annoyan any longer. 

“Yeah, isn’t everything you have now the benefits from your son-in law? A nice house, a sophisticated massage chair, a comfortable bed. What else did Frank give you?” 

Suddenly, Melanie’s index finger went up. “Oh, the library and the greenhouse too. Yes! That’s what Frank presented to you too.” 

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“What exactly are you trying to say?” Susan was tired of facing her. 


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