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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 38

Chapter 38

Do You Like Kara?

hat do you mean? You think I’m interested in that stupid gir eady have Isabela, remember?”

emy held back a smile. He already understood. Frank always used fiancee to hide his true feeling.

n’t Kara Martin your entertainment amidst your busy schedule? You st be very bored right now. That’s what I was thinking.”

er nodding, Jeremy retreated to the side of the wall. He busied

self with the schedule table which he had not accessed for a long

anwhile, Frank let out a faint sigh. He felt like a fool. Jeremy’s sing was not something easy to deal with.

mn! Why did this gossiper come back so quickly? My freedom is ting limited now.”

aightening his pen again, Frank glanced briefly at Kara’s desk. er sighing in resignation, he began to immerse himself in work.



ommy, come here quickly! You don’t have free time like this eve

,” Emily whispered in enthusiasm. She couldn’t wait to show of bookshelf that had become her favorite for the last two days.

uckling, Kara let her daughter pull her finger. She had accompanied is to the automotive section earlier. Now it was the little girl’s turn. guide her.



Emily spread her arms with a cheerful face, Kara was stunned. In. tr


“I wonder why Emily likes this shelf so much. In fact, those books will also be ours to school,” Louis grumbled, folding his arms

on We ar in front of his chest. His cheeks puffed out and his lips pursed. He hoped Emily wouldn’t stay too long because he still had to take Kara to the technology section.

“That’s precisely why I’m excited, Louis. We have to get to know these books before the school starts. We get the scholarship, so we have to be smart kids.”

Kara smiled bitterly. After taking a deep breath, she bent her knees and tucked Emily’s hair behind her ear.

“Aren’t you guys smart? You can read and count. Other toddler your age may not be able to,” Kara said gently.

Emily shook her head in disagreement. “Just being smart is not enough, Mommy. Louis and I have to be the best students. There may be a friend smarter than us. We can’t lose so we can keep the scholarship.”

Suddenly, Louis took a deep breath. His eyebrows showed his

sincerity. “Emily is right. Why didn’t think of that? We have to be the smartest students if we want to study at Savior Kindergarten without fee.”

Kara’s eyes started to fill with tears. She actually planned to explain the situation in the afternoon, telling the twins that they would be better off looking for another school. However, seeing such burning enthusiasm to study in the place they dreamed of, how could she have the heart to crush it?

“You guys can’t wait to study there, hmm?” Kara inquired in a slightly trembling voice.


Luckily, the twins didn’t catch it. The two tiny, chubby-cheeked toddlers nodded simultaneously.

“Yeah, I heard, the playground there is really cool. There are many high -tech toys. I can invite my new friends to try it during break time.”

“I heard the library is cool too. There are many works of art displayed in the hallways. Maybe, I can create something to display there later or write a book!”


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