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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 39

  1. In His Arms

“Because of that, I take it very seriously that I decide to quit. I will leave and disappear from this city.” Kara nodded firmly.”

Frank snorted lightly. “Are you really stupid or pretending to be innocent? My grandfather is not an ordinary man. His men are spread all over this country. Moving to other city is not enough to save yourself.”

Kara took a deep breath. She knew that what Frank said was true. However, only that way, she had a chance to secure the twins.

“I’ve resigned, so my safety is no longer your concern.”

“Nonsense!” Frank pounded the table. A second later, he tore Kara’s letter into shreds. “I am your only option for survival.”

Kara sighed. With a tired expression, she took another envelope out of her bag and placed it on the table.

“My business is done. Excuse me.

Kara turned towards the door. However, after a few steps, Fra ad turned her body so that they were facing each other.

“What demon has gotten into you, hmm? Wake up, Kara! You ha future out there.”

‘And the twins have no future if they don’t get away from their fath and great-grandfather.”

Kara smiled wryly at the sound of her heart. Shaking her head firmly, she brushed the CEO’s hand off her arm.

“I’m just a lowly, useless woman. Why do you spend your time. protecting me from your grandfather? Wouldn’t your life be easier if I

rciciono, picast… ut me pack any longer.

It’s time for me to leave.”

Frank gritted his teeth. His chest tightened to hold back the feeling that he couldn’t express right now.

“You saved me once. What harm would it do if I repay you this time?” he whispered, keeping his voice from leaving the room.

“You already paid me back, Sir, when I got stung by the bees. We’re even.”

Frank laughed wryly. “It’s not comparable.”

“Let’s just say it’s comparable. So now, we have no relationship anymore. Excuse me.”

Before Frank could restrain her, Kara walked out of the room. Her face was a little pale and her heart was pounding in pain. She was well aware that once she was free from Frank’s grip, she would have to face everything alone. For Louis and Emily’s sake, she had to be a tough and brave mother.

“Kara!” Frank shouted, hoping the girl would stop.

However, Kara didn’t listen. She collected several important items from her desk and left. Frank could only watch her back disappear from behind the glass with his hands clenched.

“Sir,” Jeremy called quietly. He was sticking his head out from the gap. of the door. “Do you want me to chase her?”

“No need. Let her come here herself. Send 720.000 dollars to her


Jeremy stared. “Are you sure, Sir?”

“Do it! Now!”

Holding back his hot breath, Frank smiled crookedly. ‘You won’t be


Meanwhile, Kara was patting herself on the shoulder in the elevator. ‘ Good job, Kara. Good job. You’ve managed to escape the clutches of that Perverted Demon.’

However, as she just left the Savior building, her phone vibrated.

Thinking it was a message from Louis or Emily, Kara checked it casually. But, as she read the notification from the bank, her eyes. almost jumped out.

“What is this? Why did he send me 720.000 dollars?”

Kara started to break out in a cold sweat. Her shoulders rose and fell to compensate for her shallow breaths. After chuckling in annoyance, her feet returned to the elevator.

“Do you want to play with me? Or do you want to frame me? You want to throw me in prison on charges of embezzlement, huh?”


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