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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 48

  1. Serious Warning

Rowan raised an eyebrow. He read Sean’s cold eyes. There was a serious threat in them. “What?”

“On the night of the scandal, Young Master was at the same hotel.”

Rowan’s eyes nearly jumped out of their sockets. His lungs suddenly filled with increasingly intense suspicion.

Since seeing Louis without sunglasses, he had been haunted by the figure of little Frank. Sean’s information made that possibility clearer.

“Have you got a photo of the co-worker?”

Sean put his phone on the table. Rowan immediately noticed. A brown -haired man with matching eyes appeared on the screen. Not a single facial line was similar to Louis or Emily.

“Is there any other information?” Rowan had broken out in a cold sweat.

“When the scandalous video went viral, Kara said that she had not slept with this man.”

“That means there’s someone else? It could be Frank?” Rowan sighed. spontaneously. A second later, he reached for a glass of water. His throat was dry.

“And, Sir,” Sean continued, adding to the burden in Rowan’s heart,” there was someone who investigated this case before us. He covered up his identity quite well.”

A sigh escaped Rowan’s mouth quickly. “Was that last week?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“It must be Jeremy. No wonder he wasn’t seen in the office. Turns out

Rowan leaned back as if exhausted. His heart was too tired, while his brain was hot from working too hard.

“Sean, find out if Frank knows about the twins.”

“Sorry, Sir,” Sean interrupted unexpectedly. “Didn’t Young Master mention it? After you met the twins, you went straight to Young

Master and mentioned their genius. Young Master said that he had met them.”

Rowan’s eyebrows furrowed deeply. His finger was half raised. “Then, find out whether he already knows that they are Kara’s children or not. This is serious, Sean. Really serious. The marriage between the Harper and the Hall is in danger.”

“Don’t worry too much, Sir. You remember? The little boy said that his mother’s eyes were copper yellow. I noticed that the woman was wearing brown contact lenses. There is a possibility she is hiding her identity from the Young Master.”

“I hope you’re right,” Rowan sighed before calming his breathing. “But we must not be careless. Keep investigating how well Frank knows

the woman and her children.” Sean nodded.

As Sean walked out with the phone on his ear, Rowan gripped the glass tightly. ‘How could Frank act so carelessly? Doesn’t he understand that Harper’s blood is so precious? He shouldn’t have mixed quality genes with cheap genes. I did hope for great- grandchildren, but not this instant.”

After grumbling in various languages, Rowan started laughing evilly. This cannot be allowed. Tomorrow night, the woman must be taken care of immediately.”


As soon as the twins entered the bedroom, Kara went over to

Jeremy’s car. She sat in the passenger seat, asking, “Where is your master?”

Jeremy swallowed his last bread then slipped the plastic wrapper in

the door pocket. “Meeting a client in a neighboring town,” he

answered casually.

Kara nodded with a sigh of relief. “Thanks, Jeremy.”

“Not a problem. He wants to avoid his grandfather. He’ll be back tomorrow afternoon.”

After a moment of silence, the assistant whispered, “So, is your plan going smoothly?”


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