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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 49

  1. Need a Father

“You must feel that we are one family,” Louis said, snapping his fingers even though it didn’t make a sound.

Emily smiled shyly. Putting her hands together on her lap, she

nodded. “You feel that way too?”

“Yep! Thanks to Mr. Wilson, I know what it’s like to have a Daddy. It’s very fun! Should we ask Mr. Wilson to be our Daddy?”

Kara was stunned. A heavy weight hit her chest. All this time, she thought the twins were fine. Turned out, they secretly yearned for a father, and they liked Mr. Wilson? Kara’s eyes started to fill with tears.

“I’m sure he won’t refuse.” Emily’s enthusiasm burned. “He looks like he loves us and Mommy. Did you notice the way he looked at Mommy? He was like a prince who fell in love with a princess.”

“You read too many fairy tales, Emily,” Louis commented, shaking his head slowly. “But, I agree with you. Mister Wilson seems to like Mommy. I hope they start dating soon.”

Kara flinched. She didn’t know her children’s conversation c that far. ‘Four-year-old toddlers understand the word dating? did they learn it?’

“But before that, we have to make Mommy fall in love with him. Mommy won’t want to date if she’s not interested in him,” Emily continued, adding to Kara’s surprise.

“Then, how about next Monday, we go to the relationship.

management section again?” Louis suggested, indirectly answering his mother’s surprise.

“But the books were placed at the top of the shelves. We can’t take


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“That’s easy,” Louis said, folding his arms. “I can ask other visitors or library staff for help. I’ll lie to them if Grandma asks.”

Kara sighed in disbelief. Not wanting to interrupt her children’s overly critical discussion, she walked to her own room.

‘The twins are secretly hoping for a father? They have such high hopes for Ben Wilson. Is that a sign that he is a good man?’

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Kara looked at her phone. As Ben’s message waited to reply, Jeremy’s warnings clashed with Louis and Emily’s wishes.

‘I’m not interested in a relationship. But, what if Mr. Wilson was sent by God for the twins? They really need a father figure.”

After deep contemplation, Kara finally took a deep breath. She opened the message from Ben and replied, “Okay.”

there’s no harm in

‘Whether Mr. Wilson is the right man or not…, there’s r getting to know him better.’

Meanwhile, outside the apartment, Jeremy was still awake. He occasionally checked the second floor window, where Kara h spying on his car. The light was still on.

“What should I report to Frank Harper?” he muttered with a fla He didn’t like indecisiveness, but now he was trapped in it.

Not long after, his phone vibrated. As expected, Frank called him.

“Where have you been? Why hasn’t there been any news yet?” The CECEO sounded furious..

haven’t given you any news because nothing urgent has happened, SiSir Jeremy said, tapping the steering wheel. “Miss Martin just went to to attend an invitation from a friend, had lunch at a restaurant, and

“Shopping? She still has time to have fun when her safety is

threatened?” Frank grumbled in disbelief.

Jeremy raised his eyebrows as high as possible. His brain looked like it needed a massage. He must be extra careful in selecting which information could be conveyed.

“It seemed that Miss Martin dared to have fun because of the person accompanying her. She feels safe.”

“Safe? Who accompanied her shopping?” Frank inquired in a wary


Jeremy took a moment to pause. He couldn’t possibly hide everything from Frank. “Ben Wilson.”

The sound of a table crashing suddenly came from across the phone.

“Ben Wilson? How could that be? They’re secretly dating behind me? That stupid woman dared to defy my prohibition?”

Jeremy was silent. He knew that no words could quell the jealousy in his master’s heart.


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