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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 70

  1. Father and Daughter Meeting

“It’s not difficult, Emily. You just need to find Mommy and Grandma then listen to them secretly. You can bring Yemon if you’re afraid.” Louis nodded, reassuringly.

“Are you okay being left alone?” Emily’s voice was so sweet.

“It’s okay. I can call Mommy if anything happens.” Louis tapped Susan’s phone on his lap with his tiny finger.

Once again, Emily puffed out her cheeks. Carrying Yemon, she crawled out of bed.

“Do it carefully, Emily. If anything happens, run here immediately.”

The little girl nodded before running out. Her long hair flowed beautifully down her back.

At the corner of the corridor, she stopped. Peeking over the edge of the wall, she looked around.

“Where do Mommy and Grandma go? If not to administration, do they go to the cafeteria? People usually chat there.”

After considering for a moment, Emily came out from behind the wall. Unfortunately, she bumped into someone. Her tiny body bounced and Yemon was thrown away.

Tears instantly gathered in Emily’s eyes. Her lips quivered, forced by the air from her rumbling lungs.

The man who bumped into him also fluttered. He stared wide eyes, grimacing under his black hat.

“Gosh …. Where are this child’s parents? How could they possibly let a little girl wander around the hospital?”

However, as soon as he saw the toddler’s round face, his eyebrows moved up. “Emily?”

Hearing a familiar voice, Emily looked up. The man in front of her was so tall. He wore black clothes, and the shadow of his hat covered his


“It’s me, remember?” Frank tipped his hat.

Emily could recognize the man, but her body trembled even more violently. Sobs escaped her tiny lips.

Not wanting to cause a stir, Frank quickly picked up Emily and patted

“Hey, don’t cry. I won’t scold you.”

her back I

Emily’s cry was so small, like the sound of a kitten looking for its mother. She had actually tried to hold it in, but the tears kept falling.

“Never mind, there’s nothing you need to be afraid of.”

Frank wiped the chubby cheeks with his thumb. However, a second later, Emily wet it again..

‘What should I do to make her stop crying? It could be bad if her

parents come. My whereabouts can be revealed.’

Without Jeremy, Frank Harper had to find the answers on his own. He cleared his throat before trying.

“Sweet Princess, why are you crying?” he asked gently. “Is something


Emily shook her head. She herself also didn’t understand why her heart was suddenly in turmoil.

Suddenly, Frank bent his knees and picked up Yemon. “Are you crying. because of this?” He handed the plush to Emily. In an instant, her crying subsided.

“Thank you,” the toddler said while wiping her little red nose.

Frank subconsciously smiled. When Emily caught her breath and coughed, he patiently rubbed her back. Meanwhile, his feet moved towards the cafeteria.

After sitting Emily on a chair, Frank took some water from the

dispenser. “Here, drink it. You must be thirsty.”

Emily took the paper cup offered by Frank, then placed it on the table. Instead of drinking, she traced the rim of the glass with his tiny finger.

Frank was stunned to see that. What a coincidence, he also liked to

do it.

“You don’t want to drink?” he asked, still bent over.

Emily shook her head. “Mommy said we can’t accept food or drink from strangers.”

Frank laughed at the innocent answer. “Don’t worry. The water isn’t dangerous. I just took it from the dispenser. Or, would you like me to make you some hot chocolate?”


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