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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 71

  1. He Is Not Our Daddy

“Apart from that, Yemon also has a secret pocket. I often tuck letters to Mommy in it. Mommy will secretly reply,” Emily continued in a half- whisper.

Suddenly, Frank blinked. He just remembered about the secret

mission he had to carry out immediately.

“Emily, where is your brother’s room? Your parents will be worried if you don’t come back soon.”

Just when Emily was about to answer, a small voice came from the side. “You!”

Frank looked over. A toddler boy with his hand wrapped in a cast was pointing his finger at him. That face was familiar, likewise with his


“Louis?” Frank was stunned.

‘What’s wrong with these kids? Why do I always meet them on the same day? And why do they always remind me of Kara?’

Suddenly, Emily struggled down from the chair. Seeing her in trouble, Frank helped.

“Louis, why are you here? You can’t move much yet,” Emily sighed worriedly.

Frank gasped. He just realized that the two children had quite similar face. ‘They are twins?’

“I caught up because you took so long. I was afraid you’d get into trouble,” Louis’said in a half-whisper.

“How did you get down? Your hand was injured.”




Louis shrugged one shoulder. “By the chair Grandma was sitting. It wasn’t difficult.” After one blink, his gaze turned to Frank, who still bent his knees at the side of the chair.

“Emily, why are you with this evil man?” he asked in an unhappy tone. He now lowered his face so that his eyes were angled upwards. His cheeks puffed out and his lips pursed. He thought it could give a scary impression.

“He’s not a bad person, Louis. This is the man I told you about-the CEO who has lots of bodyguards.”

Louis spontaneously rounded his eyes. “The guy who bumped into you in the library?”

Emily nodded innocently. “Yes. Earlier, we bumped into each other again. But he immediately picked me up and returned Yemon to me. He’s a good person.”

“Don’t believe that, Emily. I’ve met him too. He’s a mean and rude

man. He even accused me of being a spy and forbade me from leaving.”

Emily glanced at Frank as if in disbelief. “Really? But he looks nice. He also made hot chocolate for me.”

Louis glanced over the table. A paper cup was still emitting steam.

“You haven’t drunk it, have you?”

“Not yet.”

“Good. Now, we better go back to the room. Mommy will be worried if

she doesn’t see us there.”

After pulling his sister behind his back, Louis stepped forward with his fist raised: “If you dare approach my sister again, I will hit you.”

Frank sighed in disbelief. Such a small toddler dared to threaten him?


Smiling crookedly, Frank shifted his gaze towards Emily. “Yo Your brother is very brave.”

Unexpectedly, Louis stepped aside to block Frank’s view. “Even


though my body is small, my strength is strong. Your cheek would be bruised if it hit my fist.”


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