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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 72

  1. Take It Out On Me

Sean checked his phone again. “It’s the boy, Sir-the grandson of one

of the librarians.”

Rowan’s lips moved forward. “How is he?”

“It’s not written in the report, Sir. Do I need to look for the


Rowan was silent for a moment. Then, he shook his head slowly. “No. That child has nothing to do with me. Just delete the assault part from the report. Make it look like an accident.”

“Okay, Sir.” Sean stepped back, returning to his original position.

Meanwhile, Rowan sipped tea with a dreamy look. His brows were still furrowed. The image of Louis refused to leave his mind.

Suddenly, the old man snorted with bitter laughter. ‘I should be thanking the person who launched the attack. Those illegitimate children should not be born. They will only tarnish Harper’s good


Closing his eyes, he leaned back in his chair, letting the gentle breeze drift his thoughts.


Rowan opened his eyes. He didn’t know how long he was closed. If Frank’s voice hadn’t echoed, he would have fallen asleep.

“Sir?” Sean waited for orders.

Rowan just waved his hand. A moment later, Frank arrived on the top porch out of breath.

“What have you done, Grandpa?” the young man asked, keeping his




Rowan glanced at him with half-open eyes. His hand towards the cup that was no longer steaming.

“Enjoying my evening tea and relaxing. What’s wrong? Why do you to visit me in your free time? You should spend it with Isabela.”

“Don’t act stupid, Grandpa.”

“Oh,” Rowan’s finger suddenly straightened, “I also just answered a call from your secretary. She scolded me for baseless reasons. You didn’t come here to repeat her words, right?”

Frank snorted. He didn’t believe that his grandfather could still relax after harming innocent people.

“You know what? I’ve been almost crazy all day. Kara doesn’t pay attention to me at all. Even when she gets into trouble, she still forbids me from helping or finding out.”

While the grandfather listened, Frank continued with more emphasis, I don’t know exactly what agreement you two made. But, Kara has tried hard to keep her distance. I’m the one who is reluctant to stay away from her. So if there’s someone you want to blame, it’s me, not


“So you don’t know what’s going on?” Rowan raised an eyebrow.

Frank was silent for a moment. He seemed to have the wrong strategy. “I know you just hurt her family.”

Rowan smiled crookedly. “Since when do you make accusations without evidence, Frank? I’m really disappointed in you. Love has dulled your logical thinking, hmm?”

Frank swallowed hard. His brows furrowed deeper.

“I’m still rational, My Grandson. There’s no way I could cause chaos in





Frank was flabbergasted. Rowan didn’t realize he had given him a clue.

“If it’s not you, then who?”

Rowan shrugged his shoulders then leaned back in the chair. “Don’t know. It’s none of my business.”

For a while, not a single sound could be heard. The silence was only broken when Frank took a quick breath.

“Kara is the only person I care about. Her business is my business too. If you don’t want Savior’s performance to suffer, stop bothering her.”

After delivering the ultimatum, Frank turned to leave. He didn’t care if Rowan’s emotions were sparked by him. The grandfather must know that he would not let anyone hurt Kara.

“Sir?” Sean again asked for directions.

However, Rowan just raised his hand. His mind was too busy digesting the facts.

‘That girl is still keeping her children a secret? Does she really want to keep the children away from their father?’


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