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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 87

  1. A Gift from Frank

Everyone suddenly turned around. At that moment, Susan came in carrying several bags. “Let’s see whether your plan is just a talk or not.

“Grandma!” Emily ran to hug Susan.

Instead of saying hello, Louis pursed his lips and emphasized his head movements. “It’s not a difficult thing, Grandma. Just wait and see. I can sit pretty all day.”

“Okay. Let’s see….”

Chuckling, Susan stroked the head of the grandchild who was still holding her leg. “Princess, are you hungry? Sorry Grandma is a bit late.

Emily shook her head slowly as if she was afraid her hair would get messy. “The nurse who delivered food to Louis gave me milk. She’s my new fan. I have to appreciate her gift. So, I drank it straight away.”

“A new fan?” Susan raised an eyebrow and glanced at Kara.

Kara snorted a smile. After taking the bag containing their dirty

clothes, she kissed the twins’ heads, one by one.

“Little Angels, Mommy has to leave now. Mom, please take extra care

of Louis and Emily because they have more and more fans.”

Susan’s laugh returned to the air. “Don’t worry. I won’t be careless again. Now, don’t you want to have breakfast first?”

Taking a lunch bag from her mother, Kara shook her head. “I can do it later. My work is piling up. I have to come early.”

“When Mommy’s work is finished, can Mommy come straight here?”



“Don’t worry, Louis. Mister Kind will definitely allow Mommy to come home quickly. Let’s just pray that Mommy’s work goes smoothly.” Emily nodded firmly.

Kara smiled sadly. Emily trusted her “father” too much.

After Kara left, Susan opened the lunch box. Emily moved to check what her grandmother had brought beside the breakfast.

“Grandma, where is Yemon? Is he not dry yet? I hope Yemon isn’t lonely,” she said as she sat next to Susan. Her pouted lips make her look even more adorable.

“Don’t worry, Princess. Your mother hung it at the window, so Yemon can look outside and not get bored. Now let’s eat with Grandma. Louis, do you want to eat again?”

The boy shook his head. His gaze was fixed on the phone. “I’m still full, Grandma. And I’m busy building an apartment right now.”

“Building an apartment?” A man’s voice suddenly came from the door.

Everyone looked over.

“Mister Kind?” Emily’s eyes lit up.

Receiving that sweet welcome, Frank’s smile turned warmer. “Good morning, Emily, Louis, Mrs. Martin.”

In an instant, the tiny girl slipped off the couch and ran to hug the man. Susan didn’t blink at the sight.

“Good morning, Mr. Harper,” Susan said stiffly. She didn’t really know

the man in front of her. Why was Emily so clingy to him?

“What brings you coming here so early, Sir? Kara just left,” Susan continued after a blink.


Grimacing, Frank lifted the shopping bags in his hand. “I felt guilty because I didn’t bring anything yesterday. So, today, I want to make up for it.”

Susan’s smile turned awkward. “That’s very kind of you, but you don’t

need to bother, Sir.”

“Yes, you don’t need to bother, Mister Kind. Your help yesterday alone was very meaningful.”

Frank could not resist Emily’s charm. Smiling, he put the bags on the couch and carried his little daughter.

“Sweet Girl, aren’t we friends? As a friend, it’s only natural for me to help you.”

“Mr. Grumpy, I hope you don’t forget. I don’t approve of your

relationship yet,” Louis lowered the phone to his lap. His eyes were looking at Frank sharply.


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