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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 88

  1. Intimacy in the Janitor’s Room

“I don’t bother at all, Mrs. Martin. I actually enjoy preparing gifts for your sweet grandchildren.”

A second later, Frank glanced at the last bags on the couch. “I also bought some books. I heard that Louis and Emily like reading, and some biscuits and supplements. Taking care of a sick family member must be troublesome and drains energy.”

“But I’m not troublesome. I don’t need to be taken care of too much.”

Louis’ brows furrowed deeply.

Frank smiled crookedly. “Yes, you’re not physically troublesome. But mentally, I’m sure your mother and grandmother are exhausted.”

“That’s right. I’m mentally tired. Thinking about Louis’ condition drains my

energy. I can’t even sleep soundly. Worrying about something is very tiring,” Emily said, brushing her hair from her shoulders. Frank smiled at her behavior.

“Because of that,” the little girl turned her gaze to her brother, “get well quickly, Louis. Don’t move too much.”

“I am sitting still.” Louis rolled his eyes. He wondered why everyone doubted him. In fact, he just walked around and jumps a little on the

bed when he’s bored.

Suddenly, the door opened wide again. A second later, Kara came in


“Mommy?” The twins were wide eyed.

Susan approached her daughter. “What’s wrong, Kara? Is there anything left behind?”

Kara didn’t answer right away. Her gaze fell on the man who was still


Ganymy Limy.

“I’m here to remind my boss, Mom. It seems he forgot that today we have to start early. There is an important project that must be handled immediately.”

Frank knew what was on Kara’s mind. His breathing turned heavy.

“That’s right. We have to arrive at the office early. That’s why I came to pick you up. I didn’t expect you to leave first,” Frank explained as he put Emily down.

Kara almost snorted. The bags in the twins’ hands were clearly the

real reason.

“Then, let’s go now. Mom, Emily, Louis, see you.”

A second later, she grabbed Frank’s suit and pulled him out. The man didn’t even have a chance to say goodbye.

Susan was then flabbergasted, Louis sighed, while Emily chuckled with her hand covering her mouth.

“I hope Mr. Kind can melt Mommy’s heart.”

“That must have been really hard, Emily.”

Susan’s eyebrows met. Her suspicions were beyond doubt.

Meanwhile, in the hospital corridor, Kara was still dragging Frank. There weren’t many people on that floor, only Philip and another bodyguard.

“Kara, can you relax a bit? It’s just a gift.”

Kara suddenly turned around and jerked his hand away. Her jaw was throbbing and her eyes were bloodshot.

“Relax? How is that possible? Don’t you understand that what you’re doing is putting my family in danger?” Kara’s voice was thin and full


Frank’s breath began to rumble. He was tired of getting that kind of reaction. “There’s nothing to argue about, Kara. My intentions are very clear. I’ve made up my mind.”

As Kara pressed her temples, he continued, “I have decided to marry


Kara gasped, while the guards stared wide eyed. Their eyeballs vibrated looking for the right direction.

In silence, Kara checked her surroundings. Finding no additional eyes, she let out a heavy sigh. “Marry me? Are you crazy?”

“Yes, I’ve been crazy since my heart chose you. Now, all I want is you.


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