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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 98

  1. Destroyer of Happiness

“Yeay! We did it!” Emily jumped while throwing her fists. She was proud to see the top of the palace she made using an ice cream cone.

Louis’ face was no less sparkling. His toes kept tickling the ground. This work of art must be photographed. We must show it to Grandma later. Philip, do you have your phone?”

The young bodyguard showed the empty pocket of his shorts. “No, Young Master. But wait! I’ll take it.”

While Philip ran, signaling his partner to deliver the phone, the twins were busy admiring their palace.

“You are a great architect, Louis!”

“And you are a good builder, Emily. If my hand hadn’t been in a cast, we would have made a bigger castle.”

Unfortunately, just as Louis finished speaking, a flying ball hit the palace! Some of the sand collapsed.

“Louis, our castle….” Emily pouted.

Louis gaped at their damaged artwork. Feeling annoyed, he hugged the ball with one arm then looked around looking for the culprit.

At that moment, a man ran up to them. “Sorry, Little Brother. Can you return the ball? It’s ours.”

Louis looked at the stranger out of the upper corner of his eye. “You think you can get this ball easily? Look! You have destroyed our castle. My sister is almost crying.”

The man glanced at the small palace then laughed briefly. “Okay, I’m sorry. But we didn’t mean to destroy your toys at all.”


“Toys?” Louis’ voice became increasingly shrill. “This is a work of art. I designed it all night. You have to take responsibility!”

The man took a deep breath. After that, he looked at the twins with


“Sorry, Little Kids. But I don’t have time for that. You guys can build it again, right? Besides, you’re lucky the ball didn’t hit your hand. If I were you, I’d just rest at home and not bother anyone else.”

Emily furrowed her eyebrows at the insinuation. “You can’t be rude, Sir. We are still children, while you are adults. You should give us a good example.”

The man snorted indifferently. He even bent down, trying to pick up the ball. However, Louis avoided him.

Suddenly, a voice greeted them. “Is there any problem?”

The twins looked over. Seeing Frank, they immediately reported what had happened. Frank’s jaw began to throb. Seeing that, the stranger let out another laugh.

“Sorry, Sir. Please don’t misunderstand. We’re playing volleyball. One of my friends accidentally hit too hard. The ball fell here. You agree that this was just an accident, right?”

“Even though it was unintentional, I believe you’re aware enough. about what you did and said towards my children. Why didn’t you apologize the right way? Instead, you insulted his hand?”

“Louis, Emily, are you okay?”

Hearing that soft voice, everyone looked over. It’s only then that Kara met the stranger’s eyes.


Kara gasped and her throat constricted. The figure in front of her


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through her mind.

Seeing Kara’s shock, Frank furrowed his eyebrows. ‘Finnic…? Finnic Miller?’

With equally wide eyes, he studied the stranger. The man didn’t blink

at all. His shaking eyes were only focused on Kara.

“Kara?” Finnic sighed, breaking the silence. Slowly, a smile of disdain curved across his face. “I never thought we would meet here. This

world is so small, huh?”

Kara didn’t answer. She was still struggling to get out of her


“Mommy knows this mister? He was the one who destroyed our castle. He also teased Louis’ hand,” Emily reported while holding her mother’s leg.

“Yes! He didn’t even apologize sincerely, and he doesn’t want to take responsibility. Mommy has to reprimand him,” Louis continued with pursed lips.

However, Kara still didn’t make a sound. Her trembling lips were too stiff to move. Her brain was still frozen by the past.

Suddenly, Finnic snorted. “I thought you left because you were heartbroken when you accepted my wedding invitation. Turns out, you moved to another city to find a new man?” He glanced at Frank with

an indifferent look.


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