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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 99

  1. The Ex-Future Husband

Frank shook his head slowly. “Yes, we’re going to fly, but not paragliding. We’re going to ride a helicopter.”

Louis’ mouth suddenly rounded. “No way. It’s very cool!”

Even though her lips were pursed, Emily also nodded. “That would be fun, but… is it safe?”

“Of course it is. Now, why don’t you tell Jeremy to get prepare quickly? Philip will accompany you.”

Emily’s smile finally widened. “Okay. Thank you, Mister Kind. You are

the best.” After giving Frank a hug, she ran towards the group of bodyguards.

“Yeah! Thank you, Mr. Harper.” Louis gave him thumbs up before. walking quickly after Emily.

Seeing their familiarity, Finnic quietly lowered an eyebrow. ‘W is this man? Why is he so close to Kara’s children? And where

seen his face?’

“So, what are you guys doing here? Picnic with the kids?” Finnic ra his eyebrows again.

Frank knew the question had a hidden meaning. Evidently, Kara was now looking down while hugging herself, feeling intimidated.

“Yeah, the kids said they wanted to have a picnic at the beach. So, here we are,” Frank said lightly.

“Is that so?” Finnic snorted lightly. Smiling crookedly, he turned his gaze to the woman who avoided his gaze.

are very

“You lucky to have met such a good man. What magic did

you us

to you my nieart:


Suddenly, Frank put his arm around Kara’s waist. Putting on a smile, he muttered, “In fact, I am the lucky one to have met such a good


Kara turned her head to Frank. Her face was still pale with a flat expression, but her eyes could already blink, conveying her disbelief.

Meanwhile, Finnic’s laughter could no longer be suppressed. “You’re still good at tricking men, apparently?”

He took a step forward. Leaning her head closer to Kara, he

whispered, “I’m sorry, Kara, but I can’t let you ensnare another victim. That’s why….”

He offered Frank his hand. “Let me introduce myself. I’m Finnic Miller,

Kara’s ex-fiancé.”

Frank didn’t shake the hand. He just blinked and pursed his lips. slightly. “So?”

Finnic raised an eyebrow. He didn’t expect that reaction. Shouldn’t the gray-eyed man be surprised? Why was he so relaxed?

“Aren’t you curious why we didn’t get married? Once you know why, you won’t look at her the same way.”

Kara couldn’t stand hearing Finnic’s words any longer. Pulling her boss’ clothes, she whispered, “Let’s get out of here.”

However, when she was about to turn around, Frank held her back.” Don’t be afraid, Kara. I’m with you.”

Rubbing her arm, Frank looked back at the man who had been trying to eavesdrop. “What is the reason?” he challenged.

Kara subconsciously furrowed her brows. She wondered what Frank was planning.


“I used to really love Kara. I was willing to give her anything, just like

you are now.”

Frank raised the corners of his lips. “It’s good that you can see that. Kara is everything to me.”

“But you should know.” Finnic’s finger bobbed in front of Kara. “This woman is two-faced. In front of us, she is as sweet as honey, but behind us, she is as cunning as a fox. She slept with another man a month before we got married.”

Kara’s breath started to rumble. She’s like being sucked into the past. But before she could drift away, Frank’s voice snapped her back.

“Then, I have to thank you. Really, thank you, Finnic Miller. If you were willing to forgive Kara and marry her, she wouldn’t be with me now.”

Finnic widened his eyes at that answer. His mouth was open, having difficulty holding words. “But why….

After stuttering for a moment, he sighed in disbelief. “You think I made up the story?”

“No.” Frank took Kara’s hand and intertwined their fingers. true story, but come on. What’s the big deal? Kara was just She’s completely innocent. She is definitely not a fox.”

Finnic shook his head faintly. “You trust her too much, Sir.”

“You’re the one who doesn’t trust her. If I were in your position, I wouldn’t doubt my own lover. I would protect her and punish the person who framed her, instead of making her life difficult.”


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