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His Hidden Child novel Chapter One

Chapter 1

His slick midnight black hair reflected the moonlight. His hot kisses trailed down my neck as he got in between my legs. This was my mate. My love. My one and only and he was mine alone.

"Mommy!" A screamed echoed through the halls as little footsteps made their way to my bedroom pushing the door open with force.

My eyes snapped open as the sunlight blinded me, soon a small figure wrapped her little arms around my body. "Mommy wake up, we're going to grandma and grandpa's place today." she said.

Instantly I sat up as she sat on my lap. "Caitlin, it's too early for that." I said to her. My 3 year old daughter. My one and only precious gift.

"No momma! It's late, super late, please get up." she said as she made her crying face. I looked at her with stern eyes as tears welled up. I gave in making her jump up and down in joy.

"Okay, let's take a bath together, then get ready, then go visit grandma and grandpa then go to the park. What do you say?" I Seed her as she gave me a toothy grin.

We were in and out of that tuning a matter of an hour. Dressed up and headed to my parents place. I knocked on the door as my mother's beautiful face came into view.

"Isabelle? You came!" she said happily as she let us in. Caitlin ran into her arms as mom placed kisses all over her face.

We walked into the living room, where my dad sat, a newspaper in his hand. He wasn't happy about Caitlin and still isn't.

We walked in as he ignored our presence. I had gotten used to it anyway, so there was no need for pained expressions. I honestly didn't care anymore. He was upset I her it, he wanted me to take over the bakery, I get it, but now my daughter is my first priority.

"Grandpa!" Caitlin screamed as she ran into his arms. He forced a smile on his frowning face as he put Caitlin down.

"heyyyyy! Isabelle you're here." he smiled at me, but it didn't reach his eyes.

I nodded at him. We didn't have a good relationship since I became pregnant with Caitlin and before. And honestly, if I could turn back time, I would, but now I never wish about that, because Caitlin is the best thing that has ever, I mean ever, happened to me.

I helped mom in the kitchen as we cooked lunch.


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