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His Hidden Child novel Chapter 11

Chapter 10:

"What had I said, Isabelle?" Sin looked into my eyes and I tried avoiding hid gaze. I sealed my lips not wanting to say anything, it just brings back bad memories.

His gaze burned my body and I looked at him, "There is no way you could've forgotten those words, did you?" I asked him.

Sin seemed to get angry at me, "Isabelle! Don't you think If I had remembered I would've appologized or tried to explain myself?! SO DON'T BRING THE B.S ABOUT FORGETTING" he yelled at me punching the wall closest to him. Caitlin yelped in fear seeing her father's eyes turn dark in anger.

Sin seemed to notice and looked down to her only for her to grab my leg, trying to get me to pick her up. "Mom, I'm scared, he's going to hurt you." she said and honestly I was praying she had forgotten about the past.

"Shh baby, he's not gonna hurt me, daddy's not going to hurt me," I said to her and smiled soothingly. The last thing I want is for Caitlin to get scared again.

"But daddy's eyes-" I looked at her in the eyes and she kept quiet, looking down knowing she should drop it.

"Something else happened right? Stop keeping secrets from me Isabelle!" he shouted.

"What happened during my disappearance has nothing to do with you Sin, why don't you go to Liana so she can comfort you, isn't that why you kept her close to you?" I said to him in rage.

"What dies Liana have to do with this Isabelle? She did nothing to you! More she did nothing to me! And I never ran to her for comfort, she always comforted me when you were the reason I was angry!" he spoke making my heart shatter.

"I'm the reason you always got angry huh?! Well you know Sin it takes two to tango, did you ever think it was you that caused your own anger? So Liana was the woman you wanted us that right?" I said my voice cracking.

"Stop twisting my words! Liana did nothing wrong, Isabelle! NOTHING!" she yelled at me.


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