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His Hidden Child novel Chapter 13

Chapter 12:

"Caitlin!" I yelled across the 'royal' family room as Caitlin stood in her underwear refusing to wear the dress I picked out for her.

"Momma! I don't want that dress!" she yelled back at me after sticking out her tongue towards me.

Stubborn child!

I slowly made my way to her but then suddenly she sprinted. I picked up my pace only to bump into a hard chest. The person hands snaked around my waist instantly preventing me from falling.

"Isabelle." the person spoke making me freeze. I looked up to see his bright green eyes.

"Jayden?" I questioned as he smiled nodding.

A Growl echoed around us as I instantly pulled away from Jayden and looking at Sin in his now angry deep grey eyes.

"What's going on?" Sin asked, his anger rolling if him in massive amounts.

"Nothing Sin, she was about to fall so I caught her, no need to be jealous," Jayden said provoking Sin.

"Listen here cousin, you may be family but anyone to even touch my mate in any way or even look at her in any way, family or not, I will kill you," he said, but something felt off with sin as he looked at me.

"Sin, it's not his fault..." I said only for him to Growl at me in anger.

"silence Isabelle," he said dangerously low and I slowly closed my mouth shut.

Jayden glared at his cousin but looked at me a ghost smirk floating I'm his face. He eyed me making me shiver in discomfort and walking off.

What were you're with him all of a sudden?

Sin grabbed my hand and pulled me into a hard embrace as he breathed in my scent calming himself down.

"Isabelle my love, stay away from him." was all. He said as he kissed my head.

My mind still wandered to Sin's mistake and I wanted to remind him I was still angry with him, but right now I couldn't fathom any words.

"I can feel you're still upset with me regarding that night my love." he said reading my mind, "but believe me when I say I remember nothing of what happened, I'm Not saying you're lying, but all I ask of you is your forgiveness," he said soothingly, almost moving my heart. Almost.

"Sin, you know I can't. It hurts to think about. It felt right in that moment as if you uttered the words 'I reject you'. And you know what the most painful thing about it is?" I questioned him as the tears began flowing in rivers. "The fact that you said you loved her," I whispered.

Sin lifted my chin as he stared at my tear-stained face, he then moved his thumb to wipe my tears away making me look into his eyes.

"Let me show you I love you. That I've always loved you, let me make you forget that night ever happened. Give me a chance my love?" he asked and all I could do was sigh in response.

I opened my mouth to speak until a squeal made me push away from sin.


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