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His Hidden Child novel Chapter 29

Chapter 28

"Sin, let me out." she pleaded.

I know I was being cruel but in all honesty, she left me no options. She was being stubborn and most of all unreasonable.

"Mom, tell me where my mate is and I'll let you out." I stated firmly.

She shook the bars of her cell as she glared directly at me. "open this door!" she screeched.

"Mom! You making this difficult. The sane you're feeling being apart from father is the same way I'm feeling being a part from my mate." I begged her with my eyes. "I don't understand why you're doing this! Isabelle has literally done nothing but love you as her own mother!" I said.

"Isabelle has done nothing but cause trouble from the day she walked into those doors, Sin! Don't you see she's making you blind?!" she said not making any sense.

"Making me blind with love because that's her duty mother. She is my mate. She's my other half, and you more than anyone knows what it feels like to be apart from your mate."

We looked into each other's eyes, both of us not ready to back down. Sma minute passed by and yet she held on.

She then looked away letting out a sigh. I let out a frustrated groan. Every second was killing me slowly. Isabelle didn't deserve this and my mother knew this just as much as I did.

"She's on the east side of the main forest. She's with Elliot." the moment the words left her lips I felt my blood boiling.

"Elliot mom?! Of all people in the wield Elliot!?" I barked at her.

"He's not harmful that's why I-"

I cut her off, "Not harmful?! He's touched my mate! He's taken away the son we could've had and you say he's not harmful?! Pray to the moon goddess mother that he hasn't done anything to her, because believe me, I will never forgive you if he has. Never." I said deadly with promise in my voice.

"Gaurds, let Abigail out." I said spitefulky as she winced at my tone.

How could she? She dares leave my mate in the gabs of someone she doesn't know well?


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