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His Hidden Child novel Chapter 3

Chapter 2:

I pulled away from him as flashbacks came rushing back. Everything, every moment, ever feeling, all of it hit me like a ton of bricks. His scent made me feel weak but Caitlin snapped into my mind.

I took a step back as he watched me with daring eyes. "Don't you dare disappear again from me Isabelle, don't you even try." he said, his voice held stern.

But I couldn't accept it. I couldn't allow it. I don't want it to happen. I don't want to go through it again. Instantly I grabbed Caitlin and ran. I ran as fast as I could as a Growl roared. He was angry. But I could care less.

I ran as fast as my feet could carry me, but they didn't move as far as I wanted them to. He gripped my forearm with force and looked me in the eyes with his deep Grey ones.

Caitlin's yelp had caught his attention as his eyes moved from my hazel eyes to her Grey eyes. He let go of my arm and pushed me aside, as the little 3-year-old brunette looked at him with wide surprised eyes.

"Isabelle, is she mine?" he questioned. I kept silent. "I asked you a question! Is she mine?! Answer me dammit!" his voice shook me as Caitlin looked scared for dear life.

"You don't deserve to know." I spat out. He growled angrily at me and glared.

"You disappear for 4 years only for me to find out I have a daughter, after four darned years. FOUR YEARS ISABELLE! FOUR! You kept my precious princess from me for four years." he said as he stared at me. I wasn't guilty. I didn't feel guilty at all.

"And whose fault is it that I ran away? Whose fault is it that I didn't have the courage to yell you about her? Whose fault is it that we are in this situation today? Only God knows how much suffering you've put me through, and God forbid I let my daughter go through the same thing." I spat out disgustingly to him.

He looked me straight in the eyes. No emotion. No reason. No guilt. "You're coming with me." is all he muttered.

He would be mad to think I'd go along with him. "I refuse." I stood my ground.


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