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His Hidden Child novel Chapter 9

Chapter 8:

"Sin I don't understand," I said to him in a confused tone.

"babe, we need to leave. It's absolutely urgent. It seems dad had a stroke and he's wishing to see me." he said.

"The former king had a stroke?" I questioned dumbfounded like.

"Yes, and we need to leave immediately. Pack up for both you and Caitlin. And let's get a move on." he said. I nodded and modem way up the stairs.

I opened Caitlin's room only to see her sound asleep. I opened her pretty pink closet and took out her pink dresses and spit them in a duffel bag.

When I was done I put it out the door entering my bedroom packing my clothes up. 2 guards came up the steps taking The bags while I got Caitlin's.

Her peaceful face was too calming I didn't want to wake her. I ran my hands through her hair and picked her up only to be stopped by Sin. He took her into her arms as he directed me out of the room towards the limo.

We got in and drove our way towards the palace. The Palace I once ran away from.

The doors to the gigantic Palace opened. The limo parked in front of the palace doors. The doors opened and we walked out into the house.

Caitlin opened her beautiful eyes and yawned Sitting up in Sin's arms.

"You're awake princess," he said to her, kissing her forehead.

I laughed at the way she scrunched her face. Sin slipped his hand around my waist and directed me into the palace.

"Sin! You're home!" I heard a scream from a distance. It was Clair.

She jumped into Sin's arms in joy her brother was home. She saw Caitlin in his arms as she seemed confused. She turned to me as her smile dropped.


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