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How the Ice King Became my Doting Billionaire Husband novel Chapter 267

The buzz of activity for the welcome party's rehearsal had finally quieted down as the rowdy crowd dispersed.

Campbell, with a grin wide enough to split his face, tugged his brother aside into a corner. "Hey, bro, I'm pretty awesome, right? When Stuart shows up, he's definitely going to take notice this time."

Matthew let out a laugh that was more of a snarl. "Oh, yeah, Stuart's definitely going to notice!"

Campbell, oblivious to his brother's gritted teeth, kept on. "You know Morwenna, right? She's like Norbert's favorite, even more than Stuart. Norbert actually drove her to school himself! I set up this whole scene for you to play along, make her look good. Norbert's going to love it, and if Norbert's happy, Grandpa's happy too."

Campbell looked self-assured, as if he'd just pulled off the masterstroke of the century.

Matthew couldn't stand it any longer and landed a kick on Campbell.

"Ow, dude, what was that for?" Campbell yelped, totally caught off guard.

"Just because you're annoying me," Matthew snapped, then turned on his heel to head back to the rehearsal, leaving his clueless brother behind.

Campbell was left in bewildered silence.

The welcome party's acts went through their paces, one after another.

Matthew's dread only deepened as they rehearsed, especially at the thought of performing the romantic scenes.

Would performing them kill him? It certainly felt like it might.

Regardless of how edgy Matthew was feeling, time just kept on moving forward without a care. Hours later, the welcome party officially began.

Students gradually filled the auditorium, buzzing with anticipation.

Chapter 267 1

Chapter 267 2


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