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How the Ice King Became my Doting Billionaire Husband novel Chapter 272

Matthew was more embarrassed. His eyes inadvertently met Stuart's in the crowd before he swiftly averted his gaze, mentally ticking down the seconds of his life like a countdown timer.

“Hurry up, for heaven's sake. The sooner it ends, the sooner I'm free.” he thought.

With this grim resolve, Matthew played his part with a desperation bordering on recklessness.

Instead of planning a secret getaway, the lead characters decided to head to the front lines together.

After a brief journey side by side, they turned back to back, took a few steps away, then spun around and dashed towards each other for a final, farewell kiss.

This was the moment Morwenna truly balked.

Kissing Stuart required a monumental effort on her part.

The idea of kissing any man at this moment was more than she could stomach.

No matter how much she tried to mentally prepare, Morwenna hesitated when it mattered most.

Matthew noticed Morwenna's reluctance and wrapped an arm around her waist, whispering in her ear as he slightly turned her, "Don't panic, Morwenna. I can't betray Stuart. Let's just fake it, okay?"

Being a seasoned actor, Matthew knew exactly how to angle their bodies so it looked real to the audience.

He felt his hand burning where it touched Morwenna, wondering if Stuart was watching his every move.

In the VIP area...

The principal was covered in goosebumps.

Sitting next to Mr. Hetfield was becoming increasingly unsettling, each moment more spine-chilling than the last.

What was going on? Had something gone wrong?

Amid the unease, the principal ventured cautiously, "Mr. Hetfield, are you perhaps feeling tired? Maybe you'd like to step outside for some fresh air?"

"No need." Stuart's voice was cold as ice, chilling to the bone.

The principal shivered.

On stage, Matthew timed his actions to perfection, releasing Morwenna the instant the music changed, and together, they ran towards the front lines.


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