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Hybrid Aria by Jessica Hall novel Chapter 17

Aria’s POV

Turning on an angle so I had a clear view of both ends of the carriage and those blocking the exits, I shoved Lily into the seat, not taking my eyes off Zane or Alpha Reid. “Lily, close your eyes please, and hands over your ears,” I said, not even looking in her direction. I couldn’t afford to take my eyes off them. Knowing they were waiting for me to turn my back on them, Alpha Reid crossed his arms over his chest, making him look even bigger if that was possible. I may not win nor be trained like them, but I’ll be damned if I go quietly to my death. Zane, noticing my intent, smiled. His bulky friend standing beside him chuckled like he thought I was joking about trying to fight my way out. Peeking over at Reid, he looked amused, taking a seat in the first chair at his end just as another Pack warrior walked in, standing in his place. Okay, not the best scenario. I may not be trained, but I am a Hybrid. Not having blood for 2 days now is a disadvantage, but I know I have had enough, that my speed and reflexes outmatch theirs.

“Let’s see what you got then,” said the cocky shit standing next to Zane. He was shorter, around my height, but Packed with muscle, too much muscle. I knew he would be slower than me. He was a fair bit shorter than Zane’s 6-foot frame. The carriage wasn’t big, but I knew that would work in my favour. I didn’t need as much room to move. Zane shoved him forward, he stumbled about a metre away from me.

“You first then,” he threw at him with a grin on his face. The warrior looked back at Zane, taking that as my opportunity.

I grabbed his outstretched arm he was going to use to stable himself, taking him by surprise. Using his momentum, he jerked forward, underestimating my strength, just as I lifted my knee, which connected with the side of his head. Shocked, he didn’t have time to recover, his body being pushed back by the force of my knee, making him land on his arse. I quickly stomped on his manhood, making him squeal while he clutched at his groin. Zane immediately stepped forward over his friend’s body and tried to grab me, but I jumped back just in time. Forgetting the person behind me, they grabbed me in a bear hug from behind. Thinking fast and using my legs, I pushed off the ground, shoving both feet into Zane’s chest, making him trip over his recovering buddy, who was still laying on the ground cradling his balls.

Throwing my head back, I connected with my hugger's nose. Their hands let go instantly. Spinning around, I watched as they clutched their nose, which was bleeding, running like a tap. My own growl ripped through my chest and escaped my lips, not a normal growl, more primal, savage. It was disturbing, the growl of a predator. The smell of their blood reaching my nose filled me with hunger. Alpha Reid stood up. Shoving his Pack member out of the way, he landed on the seat, stomping towards me and grabbing my arm just as I went to lunge for the fallen man’s throat.

Letting out another growl of annoyance, I slapped at his hand with my free one not realising my claws had extended, leaving a gash running down his chest and arm, making him growl back at me. Reid’s grip tightened, ripping me forward. I landed into his chest. The force knocked me out of my blood-filled trance. Struggling against his grip, I dropped my weight, making my body go limp until I hit the floor landing on my back. Not expecting me to play dead, Reid fell on top of me. Using my legs, I pushed him off, making him somersault over me. Getting to my feet and spinning around, I saw Alpha Reid had a smile on his face, which confused me. Was he having fun? Not giving me a chance to lunge at him, he tackled me, knocking my feet straight out from underneath me.

Just when I thought for sure my head was going to crack open like a dropped egg on impact, he twisted so instead of landing on the filthy floor, I was once again on his chest. His arms wrapped around my own, and he squeezed, forcing the air out of my lungs. I would have been amazed at his strength if it weren’t being used against me.


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