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Hybrid Aria by Jessica Hall novel Chapter 18

Reid’s POV

We didn’t even make it to the Pack border before Wendy mind-linked me to tell me Aria and Lily escaped. We’d been driving for 40 minutes only to turn around. I was furious. I finally found out what Pack they belonged to and who had been hurting my girls, and now they were going to do a runner from me. I may hate Hybrids and am having trouble figuring out if I want to give into the mate bond, but she is mine. Whether she likes it or not, she will be coming home. Aria believes she can leave my wolf and me. Not happening.

“Spin around head back towards the Pack house,” I tell my driver. The car makes a sharp U-turn, spinning back around the way we just came. The rest of the vehicles behind us instantly spun around and followed.

“What’s going on, Boss?” Zane’s mind link came through.

“Aria thinks she can leave. She gave Wendy the slip.”

“What about Alpha David?”

“Tell Dominic to deal with him for now. Tell him to tell the prick he isn’t getting them back.”

“You want to start a war?”

“Why are you scared?” I mocked.

“Pfft yeah, pissing in my boots,” he sarcastically spat back.

Driving back to the Pack house, Wendy was waiting out front. Jumping out of the car while it was still moving, I walked over meeting her halfway.

“How did she get out of the room?” Wendy looked down, giving herself away instantly. “You let her out…. FUCK!”

“She had been in there all day, Alpha. I thought she might want to look around. I didn’t think she would run. I thought I locked all the doors.”

“Obviously, you thought wrong,” Pinching the bridge of my nose, I let out a breath “It’s fine Wendy, she couldn’t have got far on foot unless she was picked up along the road. We didn’t pass any cars so if she did get picked up, she must be in one of the outer towns. Closest is Larse, we will head there.”

Everyone waiting next to the cars got back in. Four cars went one way at the T section, my car and 4 others went the other direction heading towards the small town out of the city. We drove for about 20 minutes before we came to a derelict train station. Sending Zane to the ticket booth to see if she had been seen, I waited by the car.

“They got on a train about ten minutes ago, Boss. Heading out of the city.”

“Lead the way, we can cut the train off.” Getting in, I told my driver to get out of the driver’s seat, and he quickly slid into the passenger seat. Putting my foot down and leaving a cloud of dust behind us, we tore out of the train station to chase after the train. After about five minutes, we hit farmland. Driving up to the train tracks, we turned, driving alongside the tracks, when we saw the train up ahead. Putting my foot down, I overtook the train before driving up onto the tracks about a kilometre ahead of it to give it a chance to stop safely. The train driver instantly slowed before coming to a stop just before my car. An elderly gentleman with his grey beard and hair wearing overalls stepped off the train raising his hands in surrender. “I don’t want any trouble.”

“Settle down, we aren’t here to cause problems. I’m looking for a woman and child; they got on at Larse station.” I showed him a picture on my phone that I had Zane take when he was watching her at the diner.


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