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Hybrid Aria by Jessica Hall novel Chapter 19

Aria’s POV

Waking up, the bed felt soft, comfortable, and warm. Not like the infirmary bed, which was a rubber mattress with flannelette sheets and thin cover. I was also aware I wasn’t in bed alone. A heavily muscled arm draped lazily over my torso, his body heat seeping into mine from his chest pressed tightly against my back. Turning my head, I looked over at the sleeping Alpha. Must be deep in sleep because he snores like a bloody chainsaw. It was the middle of the night; I could see the moon sitting high in the sky through the windows that wrapped around half the room. Rolling onto my back, I freed one of my arms and lifted his arm that was now placed under my breasts, moving it off my body. I sat up and put my foot on the soft carpet, about to make a run for it.

Looking towards the door, I started to get up when I realised the snoring stopped. Glancing over at him, he was no longer sleeping; his eyes open staring at me. “I wouldn’t. I mean, you can try if it makes you feel better. I will even give you a head start.” He rolled on to his back, closing his eyes.

Getting up swiftly, I darted to the door. I could hear the Alpha laughing behind me. Throwing the door open, I ran out, a cold breeze sending goosebumps all over my body. Looking down, I realised I only had an oversized shirt on that was only just covering my bare arse. Where the fuck are my clothes? Running back into the room, I turned around and glared at the Alpha.

He was sitting up in the bed back propped up against the wooden headboard. Reaching over, he flipped on the lamp that was on the bedside table. “Well, that was quick. Forget something?” He smirked, raising an eyebrow before looking down at my bare legs. Suddenly feeling naked, I tried to pull the shirt down to try to cover my exposed flesh.

“Where are my clothes?” Alpha Reid put his hands up in surrender.

“I promise I didn’t peek, and I thought you would be uncomfortable sleeping in jeans.”

“So, you thought I would be uncomfortable in my underwear as well?” I asked, crossing my arms over my chest glaring down at him. His eyes dropped to my legs again. He smiled. Looking down, I realised by crossing my arms, I had hitched the shirt up even higher, nearly exposing myself completely. Quickly ripping the shirt back down, I felt my face heat up.

“I wonder how low your blush goes?” Looking back at the Alpha, his head cocked to the side with a smile on his face. I watched his eyes flicker oddly in the dim room to his wolf before settling back to his normal stormy grey. I stood awkwardly at the door, trying to cover myself and my embarrassment, which he seemed to be enjoying.

“You can have your clothes in the morning,” he said, pulling the blanket back and patting the empty side of the bed.

“I’m not tired. Might have something to do with you knocking me out.”

“Well, I am. Now get in the bed.”

“No, I will go sleep with Lily. Where is she?”

“Why? So you can run the first chance you get? Not happening.” He patted the bed expectantly. Knowing I wasn’t getting anywhere, I walked over to the bed and climbed in. The Alpha tried to pull me closer, but I wriggled out of his grip. One minute he was glaring murderously at me, the next he was almost playful. Why am I in his bed? He wanted nothing to do with me the other day.

“My wolf will sleep better closer to you, and so will I, if you stop questioning everything.” Confused, I looked over at him, his eyes were closed. “I can hear your thoughts when you’re close, now can you please go to sleep?”

What? Can he hear my thoughts? My face heated up, instantly mortified, thinking of all the inappropriate thoughts I had of him in the diner. Why can’t I hear his then?

Propping himself up on one elbow, he looked down at my reddening face.

“I can hear yours because I have marked you and you are close to me. You haven’t marked me so, therefore, you can’t hear mine. As for the dirty thoughts, I didn’t know of them until you just remembered them, now please go to sleep.”

Oh my god kill me now. I mentally face palmed myself. Rolling over to my side, I tried to go back to sleep, but it just wasn’t happening. Trying to think of anything other than the Alpha’s warm body next to mine, I started counting back from a 100. “Not helping, please stop talking.”

“Stop listening then, I never asked to be in here. I can’t sleep with you next to me.”

“You were sleeping just fine before. I can help if you want.”

I rolled my eyes and sighed dramatically. “How? Are you going to drug me again?” I laughed.

“I have other ways.” Before I could ask what they were, he was on top of me, his legs pressed against my thighs, his head pressed to where my mark was. The next thing I remember is his canines brushing up against it before his teeth sunk into it, remarking me, then I was out like a light.

Waking up the next morning, I could hear water running. Groggily opening my eyes and peering around the room, I blinked, waiting for my eyes to adjust to the light shining in through the floor to ceiling windows. His room looked like something out of a catalogue. All the furniture was made from oak, and the carpet was black and thick, making the room quite cosy looking with the furniture. The king bed was also made from oak with a huge headboard that had two wolves facing each other carved into it. Getting up, I noticed straight away I still only had his shirt on. Walking over to the dresser, I opened the drawer which had briefs and socks in it, going to the next drawer I opened it. Inside were boxers and pyjamas. Grabbing a pair, I slipped them on before taking a pair of his socks and putting those on too. Wanting to leave before he got out of the shower, I quickly opened the door and started running down the stairs, which were located next to the bedroom door I found Lily hiding in.

Opening the door, I popped my head in, but the room was empty. Closing the door, I walked down the hallway, passing the infirmary after a few turns. I knew this side of the house, so finding the stairs leading down to the main floor was easier today than when I tried to escape. Walking down the stairs, I could smell freshly brewed coffee and bacon. My stomach growled hungrily. I followed the scent all the way to the kitchen, where I found Lily, Beta Zane, and a blonde woman with the little girl Lily introduced me to. Standing in the kitchen was Wendy and another man whom I’m assuming must be her mate, as he had his arms wrapped tightly around her waist. His head rested on her shoulder while she was standing at the bench drinking what I’m assuming is coffee or what I like to call liquid gold.

As soon as I swung the wooden door open, all eyes turned to me. Not one of them seemed shocked to see me. Wendy smiled and walked up to me with her arms open, embracing me in a warm hug.

“I’m so glad you are alright. You had me worried when you left.”

I hugged her back before stepping back and looking at her. “I’m sorry I hope you didn’t get in too much trouble.”

“Don’t worry about the Alpha, I can handle him.” She winked before smiling back at me.


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