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Hybrid Aria by Jessica Hall novel Chapter 31

Aria’s POV

The only sound was a collective gasp from everyone who was present. I held my breath when I saw David scramble back to his feet. He dusted himself off before rubbing his already bruising jaw. Michael’s eyes flicked to my horrified ones, begging me to do something before this got out of hand.

But I didn’t have to, the most shocking thing happened when David clenched his jaw and walked back up the stairs and inside the house. Everyone kind of looked around confused by the Alpha just walking away from a fight. No one was more surprised than Alpha Reid.

“What? You are just going to walk away and be a coward?” Alpha David just kept walking ignoring Reid. Michael quickly followed behind. For the first time ever, I was actually proud of the way he handled himself. He didn’t give in to his anger, he just simply got up and walked away not wanting to risk the agreement we have come up with. Maybe he really is going to try and right his wrongs.

Looking around, my former Pack members eyes quickly darted away from the scene and they went back to patrolling, leaving just the Blood Moon Pack standing around. I must have missed an order through their Pack link since there were no threatening growls or any attacks from anyone. Reid’s Pack looked tense like they were expecting retaliation, but there wasn’t any. They all simply walked off like we weren’t intruding on their land.

Walking over I went to place my hand one Reid’s arm. He spun around so quickly and gripped my wrist before I made contact. His eyes burned with anger. If looks could kill, I would be a pile of dust by now. I wasn’t sure if he was more pissed that David turned his back on him or my escape. I think it was a mixture of both.

Difference is if I walk away, he will chase after me. So instead, I calmly relaxed in his death grip. When I didn’t pull away, Reid started dragging me towards the open rear door. Once we were close enough, he shoved me inside. I landed on the seat, my legs still hanging out the door. I moved to the other side of the car just as Reid sat down. He didn’t say anything, but when I went to turn and place my feet on the ground, he gripped my ankle and yanked me towards him until I was half on his lap with one leg draped over him the other awkwardly bent next to him. Reid didn’t let go. I watched the fall and rise of his chest while he tried to calm himself and his wolf down.

After a few minutes I tried to remove my leg that he gripped and was forcibly pulled back to the same position. When I heard a growl emit from him, I froze my movements and watched him warily. I could feel his hot breath on my neck.

Being around him is like walking on eggshells. My leg was starting to cramp from the position I was sitting in. Deciding to move, I sat in the middle seat trying to find a more comfortable position, when Reid suddenly pulled me completely onto his lap, so I was straddling him.

He dropped his head into the crook of my neck and started inhaling my scent. His strong arms wrapped around my waist, he started to relax after a few minutes. I had to hold back a moan when he started sucking on my mark, my eyes rolled into the back of my head just from his touch. Pulling away slightly, I looked around embarrassed. Zane was driving back to the Pack house but was paying no attention to us in the back seat. I tried to hop off his lap when his fingers dug painfully into my waist.

“You will not leave again without my permission. Do you understand?” His deep gravelly voice spoke just below my ear near my neck. I tried to get off his lap by pushing off his chest with my hands, but his strength was unrelenting as he held me in place with one arm, his other hand snaked out and gripped my chin forcing me to look at him.

“Do you understand?” he asked. His intense gaze made me gulp nervously. His eyes hardened when I didn’t answer his grip on my chin tightening. I quickly nodded my head, not trusting my voice not to break if I answered out loud. He let my chin go and his grip on my waist loosened. I climbed off of him and scooted as far as the seat would allow away from him.

Reid turned his body so he could watch me, draping one arm along the backrest of the car. I looked in the mirror to be met with Zane’s sympathetic eyes staring back at me before he quickly glanced away.

“What happened with Alpha David?” asked Reid. I had this entire scenario played out differently in my head. I wasn’t expecting it to be so tense nor was I expecting him to punch David without giving me a chance to explain.

“It was about Lily,” I told him my voice firm, annoyed that he was treating me like I was some omega. Angry that he nearly ruined the deal I have with Alpha David.

“And?” Reid asked, annoyed at my answer. I had to fight the urge to roll my eyes at him, his way of talking down at me was starting to really get under my skin.

“And it doesn’t concern you, David and I will organise things later around Lily’s school schedule.” Reid growled at my response and my tone of voice. I knew I sounded bitchy, but what did he expect after the way he just treated me.

“When it’s about you and Lily, it does concern me Aria. You are mine, now lose the attitude and tell me what is going on,”

“Really, lose the attitude? I’m sorry if I won’t bow down to you. Until you start treating me like your equal, the attitude stays.” I retorted.

Reid reached over and gripped my arm. I see Zane glance nervously in the mirror before his eyes went back to the road. Through the bond, I could feel that he was a ticking time bomb, his rage just swirling inside him looking for an escape even Ryder was angry. Pissed off he didn’t get the challenge from Alpha David like he hoped he would. Both of them were annoyed, feeling like I was challenging them.


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