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Hybrid Aria by Jessica Hall novel Chapter 32

Aria’s POV

“I shouldn’t have let Ryder have control.” Reid’s husky voice broke the silence. My hand instinctively went to my neck, remembering the feel of his anger as he bit into my soft skin. My neck was smooth, having already healed. Lifting my head up, I stared at Reid’s face. He was fully in control now his gaze soft, but I could feel his worry seeping into me through the mate bond. I could feel his guilt thick and strong. Reid’s silver eyes searching mine waiting for me to say something.

Leaning over, I kissed his lips softly before getting up. I climbed off the bed and walked into the bathroom, I wanted to shower so I could go see Lily and tell her about my meeting with her father. When I opened the bathroom door Reid sat up, he must have felt my intentions through the bond.

“Lily is asleep. I wouldn’t wake her; she has her first day of school tomorrow.”

“What do you mean? What time is it?” I asked, confused. I didn’t feel like I was out that long. It was the middle of the night when we left David’s, I feel like I only had a short nap.

“It’s 2:00 AM Aria, you have been out for three days now.” His voice got lower as he looked down at the bed. Three days I have been out, Ryder knocked me out for three days. No wonder he feels so bloody guilty.

Turning my back on him, I push the bathroom door open. Stripping my clothes off I turned the shower on, my body felt a little stiff but other than that I felt fine. I certainly didn’t feel like I had been asleep for three days. I was fairly hungry though my bloodlust was strong, but it was strong before Ryder bit me. I will have to go see if I can find any blood in the infirmary. Dr. Mavis said she would stock it there in the fridges for me.

Halfway through washing myself, Reid walked in, I watched as he stripped his clothes off and turned the other showerhead on at the opposite end to me. I watched as the water ran down the muscles on his back. His arms braced on the wall in front of him, his head under the stream of water.

Reid must have felt my eyes on him as he turned around and stared back. His eyes running up my body stopping at my hips then my breasts, before looking me in the eyes. His gaze stirring my insides, as arousal started to flood me. I wasn’t sure it was completely mine or just Reid’s desires coming through the mate bond. Scanning my eyes over him, I watched his chest move with each breath, my eyes sliding down his abs then slowing at his V line when I noticed his erection standing proud. I turned away, definitely not just my own feelings I was picking up on. I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction.

Abruptly ignoring my arousal, I turned the taps off and stepped out of the shower. He will have to tend to himself, I could feel the hint of a smile creeping onto my face at the thought. Grabbing a towel, I wrapped it around myself and walked out, closing the door behind me. I heard Reid groan with frustration.

Since it was night-time, I decided to put my pyjamas on. Leaving the room, I snuck down the stairs and opened up Lily’s door, she was sleeping peacefully snuggled up to her purple unicorn plushie. Closing the door, I walked to the infirmary. My gum tingling in anticipation. Just as I’m about to reach out and open the infirmary door, Zane steps into the hallway.

“Luna, you are up,” he said noticeably shocked at finding me walking the halls so late at night.

“Yes, Zane, good morning. Why are you up so early?” My voice was breathy, my fangs had already protruded from my gums, making it difficult to speak.

“Patrol duty, are you sure you’re alright?” asked Zane, reaching out he gently touched my arm. I pulled back. I tried to calm myself, but in this empty narrow hall, it was hard to ignore the beating of his heart, the sweet smell of his blood racing through his veins. I was struggling. I was fine, but as soon as the infirmary came into view, my hunger took over knowing what waited on the other side of the door.

I watched the vein in his neck lost in a trance. I could hear his concerned voice talking to me, but his words didn’t register. My mouth started to water; I could feel my eyes blazing in hunger. Just as I went to lean in to taste him, he pulled away startled. My eyes flicked to his concerned ones.

“Luna… Luna, Aria.” I could hear him speaking, but they were just words. They held no meaning at this moment. Moving towards him, he put his hands up, trying to ward me off. My only response was a guttural growl. Just when I went to take another step towards him, I felt arms wrap around my own, distracting me.


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