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Hybrid Aria by Jessica Hall novel Chapter 33

Aria’s POV

Pulling back, I went to get up when Reid tugged my hips back down, thrusting his hips into mine. I could feel his rock-hard cock pressing against my core. Reid held me in place with one arm tightly secured around my waist. His other hand reached up towards my face. He gripped my chin between his fingers, forcing me to meet his hungry lust-filled gaze. The intensity of his eyes made me squirm in anticipation.

Reid's thumb rubbed over my chin before brushing over my bottom lip. Parting my lips, my tongue brushed against his thumb softly. I could taste his blood on it. Swirling my tongue around the tip of his thumb, I sucked on it. His delicious taste enticed my arousal more.

Reid's hand dropped to my breast, he palmed it firmly, fondling it with his warm hands, as he hungrily smashed his lips into mine.

Rolling my hips over the bulge in his jeans. I felt moisture pool between thighs at the friction, making me moan against his lips, earning a growl from him.

"You still aren't forgiven," I told him. My voice sounds breathy and desperate.

"We'll see." His husky voice spoke just below my ear as he sucked the skin on my neck.

Reaching between us, I undid the button and zip on his jeans, reaching inside. I grabbed his large thick cock in my hand. Squeezing it, he thrust into my hand. I stroked him, slowly teasing him.

Reid grabbed my ass with both hands, squeezing so tightly, I knew his fingers were going to leave a bruise. My body betrayed me when he squeezed even harder, making me moan out.

Flipping me over, Reid sat on his knees between my legs. The silk slip dress riding up, revealing my wet panties. Gripping my panties, he ripped them off, my skin stinging as the fabric tore into my flesh, making me hiss.

Pulling me towards him and spreading my legs wide apart for him. I watched as he rubbed his fingers over my bare pussy, sliding his fingers between my swollen wet lips. He rubbed softly between my moist folds before pushing two fingers inside me, my pussy clenched around his fingers as he slowly pulled them out before adding another, his fingers moving in and out of my pussy torturously slow.

"So wet." Reid's husky voice made me quiver.

I pushed against his fingers, trying to get the release I was sitting on the edge of. Pulling his fingers out completely, I suddenly felt empty.

Watching as he placed his fingers in his mouth, sucking my juices from them.

"And so sweet." His gravelly voice making my stomach tighten.

Leaning over me, he smashed his lips into mine, his tongue playing with mine fighting for dominance. I could taste myself on his lips as he took over my mouth.

Standing up, he removed his jeans, his cock springing free from the confines of his pants. He stroked himself while watching my reaction. Sitting up on my elbows, I watched as his hand stroked and squeezed his cock.

My juices running down and onto my thighs, at the sight of him standing over me, I rubbed my legs together to try and soothe my throbbing desire.

Sitting up, I grabbed hold of his thick cock, I felt it jerk in my grip. Looking up and watching his reaction. I flicked my tongue out and licked his knob, before taking it completely in my mouth.

Sucking his cock, I felt his hands slide into my hair. Gripping a handful, he thrust into my mouth, making me gag. His cock twitched when my throat constricted around his hard length.

Sucking harder, he thrust into my mouth again. This time I was prepared for it and relaxed my throat.

Reid continued to fuck my mouth for a few minutes before reaching down. He grabbed my dress and pulled it over my head, before shoving me back, making me fall on my back on the bed.

Using his hands, he spread my legs apart, before laying between them. I moaned out when his hot breath came in contact with my skin as he sucked on the inside of my thigh. Moving closer to my core, his hot breath fanning my skin as he ran his tongue over my swollen lips.

His hands running up and over my belly to my breasts, everywhere he touched sparks ignited, making my sensitive skin tingle.

I writhed in pleasure as he sucked and licked the small bundle nerves, he then slid a finger inside of me, making me grip the sheets. His tongue giving me no rest as he tasted me. I tried to slam my legs shut, but he pulled them open holding them in place, my stomach tightened, and body tingled as my orgasm took over as my pussy clamped around his fingers, slowing his movements so I could ride out my orgasm.

I laid there trying to catch my breath when Reid suddenly flipped me over onto my stomach, grabbing my ankles. He ripped me towards the end of the bed. I yipped at the speed, thinking I was going to be thrown off the bed when suddenly my feet touched the soft carpet. My body still bent over the bed, trying to sit up, I felt his warm large hand shove me back down before the sound of his slap echoed through the room as his hand swatted my arse. I could feel his handprint burning into the tender flesh of my arse as he rubbed it soothingly.

Using his feet, he kicked my legs apart, his hand gripping my hips, pulling me closer to the edge of the bed, leaving me face down with my ass in the air. I felt as he shoved his erection between my wet folds teasingly. My stomach tightened in anticipation, reaching between us, Reid's hand ran over my ass gently before sliding his fingers between my wet folds and rubbing my core, my wetness coating his fingers.

The low hum like a purr rumbled through his chest deep and low making me insides clench, when suddenly his fingers were gone as he slammed his hard cock into me. I cried out at the shock and force of his cock slamming relentlessly into me, my cries turning to moans as I became putty beneath his hands.


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