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I Am The Luna (Moonlight Muse) novel Chapter 108

30 A Deal’s Cost or I Am The Luna Chapter 108 By Moonlight Muse


Every day that passes is excruciating. From the moment I left her, turning my back on her, I have been unable to sleep knowing that I betrayed her once again.

How does one recover from such pain? I know this time I won’t have another chance because no one deserves more than a second…

I’ve not only broken her trust, but I’ve also shattered it beyond repair.

But despite it all, I know I’ve made the right decision and don’t regret it.

Being on the outside makes me realise that there is more danger around Zaia, and I will find a way to let Valerie know.

There is someone extremely close to us who is watching everything. I myself have seen the footage of secret cameras within the pack seeing Zaia channel her pain into hatred and rage.

It’s chilling to know that there were always cameras all over my pack grounds without my knowledge… someone who has been able to put those cameras everywhere without being caught.

Which makes it obvious there’s a traitor amongst them, one who is in a place of power.

What irks me is there’s a camera inside my safe house. 1

A place that only a select few have entered… but something that means the enemy is close to us. 2

I hate that my mind flits between Jai, Justin and Atticus… I know it’s not Valerie, but I also hate that I am not trusting even my own friend. 5

Without her by my side, it’s hard. Fucking living is hard and trying to focus on what I need to do…

I want to warn them, but who can I truly trust?

Who was the one who put the cameras there?

They are the reason the Sable has always known our location from the very beginning. There are several areas of the pack that are also equipped with voice recorders.

Like earlier, two guards were discussing the latest security regime put in place. Zaia and her team made some smart choices but with the

Sable knowing everything, how is she to get a win if they already know so much? 1

My only relief is I shut myself out of every access to the pack before I left. When Gerard questioned it, I told him Zaia must have pushed me out. They had wanted me to access the CCTV from within the pack, but my biometrics and my passwords were useless.

The good thing is, she’s the only one who can now access everything in regards to the security of the pack.

It was a smart move and one that pissed Gerard off even more, but it also shows she no longer trusts anyone and that fucking hurt knowing I’m the reason that she’s no longer able to trust anyone.

She’s incredibly strong and although I know that the impact of my actions upon her have hurt her, she’s surviving because she’s a fighter and a true Alpha…

But how much can one person take? The dark voice inside of me that eats at me surfaces once more.

If anything happens to her, I’ll-

“Eat, then Gerard wants you to stay here whilst we head back… not sure why he’s trusting you.” Zade, Zaia’s twin, who I detest, says as he tosses me a sandwich box. 3

I look up at him, snapping out of my reverie and catch it. “And why would he want me to do that?” I ask, cocking a brow.

“Because there’s that bastard here who we have held hostage. Hugh Toussaint, that bitch’s father.”

“And yours,” I say coldly, trying to control my anger at his insult towards Zaia that overrides the shock that I feel inside.

Hugh. They have Hugh, why?

He’s been a great help to Zaia, is that why?

“No, he isn’t. I don’t see him as family,” he snarls.

Hugh is here… so that’s why Gerard had sent us 30 miles south and I had no fucking clue as to why.

If I can free him I will, but there is no way for me to do so without risking Sia’s life.

“And why do we have someone who is worthless?” I ask nonchalantly.

“Well now, that ain’t your business, is it? We heard that someone is coming for him. I guess he wants to test your loyalty.” He smirks, almost challengingly.

I look back at him, unphased. “Ldon’t fucking have anything to prove. He knows I agreed for a reason, and I’ll stick to my side of the deal as long as he sticks to his.” I reply coldly.

So that’s his reason…

“Well… that isn’t a nice thing to say, since we’re supposed to be on the same side,”

Gaultier says as he walks in.

Black hair, blue eyes, the spitting image of Gerard himself. And I hate to admit it but that would make him my half-brother… 2

He smirks coldly and I glare back at him, refusing to look away first. I’m certain he was the shooter who hurt Zaia… even though Gerard admitted to it, I highly doubt that. Same with the person who attacked Valerie.

“Only I fucking hate you both,” I say, ripping open the package.

“The feeling is mutual,” Gaultier says, scoffing bitterly.

Zade is a dickhead, but there is something extremely unhinged about Gaultier… Although he’s apparently born and raised in France, he changes his accent so efficiently it’s unnerving. I’m sure he’s the one who was pranking me before he even admitted to it.

He’s now playing with the knife in his hand as if he’s extremely bored.

Of course, he’s bitter. After all, they both have to submit to the fact that I am their leader.

“Well, your turn to keep Toussaint company,’ Zade says, turning away. “Let’s hope you don’t feel sorry for him.”

I don’t respond.

I had planned to get the antidote and leave… I thought I had it all fucking figured out. Get in, get the antidote, kill them and end this all, but Gerard was a step ahead…


He’s awakened.

He now sits, all dressed in a suit, as if he hadn’t just pretended to be in a coma for the last few weeks.

Gaultier, his son, had snuck into the pack and given him something to keep him in a coma- like state. It irks me how they were getting into the pack so easily… I still don’t know who the mole is.


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