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I Am The Luna (Moonlight Muse) novel Chapter 467


It’s the following day, and the tension is high, partially over what we are about to attempt with the healing and also something has gone down between Zade and Atticus.

That was clear from the hostility at breakfast, with Zade simply taking his coffee and walking out when Atticus entered.

I haven’t asked Zade what that’s about, but I didn’t get the chance as he gave me no breaks in training.

Yet the anger that is emanating from Zade every time Atticus is mentioned or is around made me decide to hold off asking him for now, especially not before we try to heal Shelby. The pressure weighing on all of us is at an all-time high.

We are going to give it our all. We now slowly begin to gather in Shelby’s room, where Atticus and Hugh are telling her what we are about to attempt.

‘Putting her hopes up without even knowing if this might work or not is a dumb move,’ Zade’s voice comes into my head.

‘Well, there’s no possible secret way to attempt it. She will find out what we are trying, and it’s good she knows. They have mentioned there’s a high chance it doesn’t work. But, regardless of the results, at least we will know that we did our best and tried everything’ I reply, and sure enough Atticus is explaining it in a way that won’t raise her hopes unless it works.

‘See, he isn’t putting her hopes up fully,’ I reassure Zade, who doesn’t reply.

I wonder what happened between them. I am tempted to ask Atticus instead but now is not the time.

“I’m sorry for worrying you all so much,” Shelby says, looking between Atticus and Hugh, as she touches her forehead to Hugh’s.

“Never apologise, you have done nothing to apologise for,” Hugh answers just as Sebastian, Zaia and their children enter. Xander looks serious, something that isn’t normal for him. I guess Zaia and Sebastian have explained it to them…

Kaia is quiet too, staring around with a serious expression on her face, as if she senses that something important is about to happen.

Zade enters last, and Xander instantly tugs free from Zaia’s hold and walks over to him, simply staring up at him.

“Look, I have white eyes,” he says as he tries to roll his eyes up so you can mostly see the whites. I cut back a giggle as Zaia gasps.

“Xander!” she scolds.

“It’s cool,” Zade replies as he cocks a brow at his nephew. “Since you want to imitate me, you need to be blind too. Want me to poke them out for you?” he asks him sordidly, making Xander blink, looking appalled before he glares at him.

“You are a bad man.”

“Yeah, I know, and you’re a little Menace.”

Zion chuckles and I shake my head, hoping Xander was ok with that comment, but he’s simply finding it amusing.


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