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I Am The Luna (Moonlight Muse) novel Chapter 110

32 A Damning Revelation or Two    or     I Am The Luna Chapter 110 By Moonlight Muse


I shot him.

Fear is consuming me from the inside as we rush out. We have Dad now, and I can see Atticus running over to him. He’s covered in blood, but he’s fine. I jerk my head and he nods, knowing what I mean.

Get Dad out.

I glance around the tunnel before I run ahead, ready to lead the way out, when the sound of gunshots up ahead makes me back up.

“This way!” Atticus hisses as he runs down the other dark, long hall of this place.

Dad hurries after him, staggering. He isn’t in the best of shape, and I can tell he’s in pain.

I bring up the rear when suddenly we come to a stop seeing several men ahead. I find myself

staring at a man who looks extremely similar to Sebastian. Only his jaw and eyes are sharper.


He’s a mix of Gerard too and I wonder if he

could possibly be his son… but I also feel like I’ve seen him before…

I notice the tattoos on his hand, instantly remembering the man back at the cabin when we attacked Olivan. His aura – it was him!

“You really have nowhere else to go,” he says, glaring at Atticus and the hatred in this man’s eyes is chilling.

“Says who? You ain’t fucking in charge.” Atticus snarls.

“But I am.” A voice that sounds somewhat familiar says, ringing off the walls.

We all turn and stare at the man who now steps

forward. His aura is reined in, but it’s powerful.

He’s dressed in a casual black suit, his pure

white moustache is trimmed, and his white hair is brushed back.

Four large men flank him and each one is

holding a gun as they surround the elder man in the middle.

“Father,” Gaultier says, his voice cold as he


lowers his head ever so slightly.

My heart thunders as I watch every man here lower his head to him. So, this is their leader… but the shocking thing is, I know who he is.

My mind is a mess as I stare at the man I have not seen in years, someone who I thought was living in a rural area enjoying life with his animals.

“Zaia, it’s been a while. Now, how about we talk like civilised beings? We are family, after all.”

Grandfather? 2

Confusion flits through me as I look at the men surrounding him. What is Mom’s father doing here?

“Lawrence,” Dad says, sounding uneasy. He’s clearly as confused as I am right now.

He stands there, hands in his pockets, ignoring Dad.

I hear the sound of several people running

towards us from behind.

We’re circled…


“Shift and give her something to wear,”

Lawrence commands, but even his command is unnervingly relaxed. Almost as if he fears nothing.

I shift into human form, pulling forward my aura as a shield as someone tosses a top at me, I pull it on extremely fast, staring at the man I have not seen since I was a child. Why is he even here?

Wait. Mom said this! Right before she died, she said ‘My father took him’. With everything going on, I was more stuck on the names I didn’t get from her rather than focusing on the information that she had told me.

I was so caught up with who she was trying to name, and the boy in the woods. 3

Goddess, how did I miss such an important factor…

Don’t be hard on yourself, Zaia… you’ve had a

lot going on. I tell myself.

“What is the meaning of this?” Dad asks



“None of your concern, Hugh. None of your goddamn concern.” He says in his strong southern accent, his silvery eyes piercing into mine. “This is between my granddaughter and myself.”

“Do you know that Mom’s dead?” I ask coldly. ” Not that you care, right? You left Grandmother and Mom without looking back.”

“She dug her own grave. She knew what she had to do… but she failed. Right up until the very end she failed me and has taken the location of one of my treasures with her to the grave. Something I gave her to safe keep. You wouldn’t know anything about it now, would you?” His eyes darken, but I remain impassive, unmoving as I hold his gaze, my aura surging around us.

Does he mean the Moon Dust? Is that how Mom knew about the triquetra… because of Grandfather?

Back up is almost here and with the three points of the triquetra being here. I don’t want to let this chance slip.

Focus, Zaía.


“No, but if I did, I wouldn’t tell you,” I reply, hoping I sounded believable.

He chuckles lightly. “Hmm… yet you found us here… coincidence, I guess.” He smiles chillingly before he glances down the hallway.

“Sebastian is about to die, thanks to you. I knew you had the rage and fight in you, if only you chose this side and I didn’t have to settle for

two Kings,” Lawrence says.

Sebastian’s lookalike looks down, his eyes flashing. Grandad’s words didn’t seem to settle well with him, but he doesn’t seem to want to defy him either.

Sebastian… My heart squeezes and deep down I feel guilt clawing at me, but at the same time, I feel numb and empty.

He made his bed, and now he must lie in it.

“Go to your brother, Gaultier. He cannot die.” Lawrence says, his eyes darkening with rage. Despite how he’s talking, he’s angry.

Gaultier nods, lowering his head before he

walks off, and I look at Grandad.


“So, you’re the one behind it all. The one pulling the strings?” Atticus asks.

Lawrence smiles, but it does not reach his eyes. “Well, I can’t say I did it all alone… but of course, I have been preparing for the Blood Born just as my family before me has, for years. And finally, the time has come and right in front of me, I have two of the Sublime at my mercy… Victory is ours.” His voice is calm, yet it holds effortless power.

No, you won’t.

“Why? Do you really think by eliminating the werewolf race that you are doing the right thing?” I ask.

“Zaia…” Dad says as he steps closer to me. He isn’t in a good state but he’s still trying to protect me.

“I don’t think, I know. Once all those who don’t deserve to be called werewolves are dead, those who cannot shift, those who cannot call on their aura, their healing! Those who can’t mind link,


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