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I Am The Luna (Moonlight Muse) novel Chapter 14


From the moment she stepped into the hall, she took my breath away.

She looked as beautiful as ever, Zaia was always the one that stood out. Even back when other girls fawned over me, she was in her own world, planning her dreams and talking about her ambitions but even then, she won the attention of most.

That girl who became the most important one to me… but it wasn’t meant to be…

Then why, even after I ruined it all, after I cast her aside, is she having this effect on me?

I promised, for her safety, I’ll control my emotions and accept that this is safer, until I find the one behind it.

The moment Atticus Payne went over to her, jealousy reared its ugly head and I wanted to tear her away from him.

She’s alive, she’s ok, and she’s… pregnant.

Valerie’s words flash through my mind and I suddenly feel she lied… is it a coincidence that Zaia is so far along in her pregnancy and the timeline makes it obvious she was pregnant when she left.

I need to talk to her, but the irritating grip Annalise has on my arms reminds me that I need to be careful. Am I really going to fuck up the sacrifice I made to keep her safe just to satisfy my own curiosity?

But if she is… she’s even more vulnerable…

She has consumed my mind all evening, but seeing her so cosied up to Payne makes my blood boil with rage.

Now the bastard’s there, smirking away. For once, he’s alone and without Annalise clinging onto me like a leech. I’m going to take my chance.

I’m about to make my way over to him, but instead, his eyes meet mine and he smirks.

Muttering an ‘excuse me’ to the man beside him, he walks towards me, arrogance and amusement clear on his face.

The man might act pleasant, but he’s a master at hiding his true colours.

“I hope our little disagreement earlier isn’t still on your mind. You don’t seem to be enjoying the party, Alpha Sebastian,” he remarks.

I raise an eyebrow. “I’m honoured that you care so much for my enjoyment, however, you need not worry,” I reply coldly.

He chuckles. “Ah, even on this day you can’t forget our differences. Let’s enjoy the party, shall we?”

This isn’t about our differences. I clench my jaw, refusing to answer him, and he sighs.

“Very well then. I, Atticus Payne, apologise for offending you over your beta’s mistake. It’s just that I am extremely protective of my woman.”

My eyes flash as I look at that smiling face of his, one that is taunting me.

“I never knew you had taken a partner,” I remark.

He laughs. “You don’t know everything about me, Alpha Sebastian.”

No, I don’t, and I really don’t trust you.

“Seems like it, and you're about to become a father if we go by the fact that she’s your woman,” I say, the words sending a flare of rage through me.

He nods slowly. “Yes, it’s only right. You know how important heirs are… We’ve been together for a while, although it’s only recently that she’s moved to my pack.”

My heart thuds as I watch him sharply, but he’s lost in thought. That taunting smile on his face makes me want to punch him.

I don’t believe that… I never smelt another man on her… I never saw her out of the pack… she wouldn’t cheat on me. I know Zaia.

“Oh yeah?”

“Yes. I truly am lucky to have her.” Atticus says, his eyes meet mine, and that cunning glint in them confirms my thoughts.

He knows she’s mine… If they were in a relationship, he would know what pack she’s from… something isn’t adding up…

“Alpha.” His beta calls him and he flashes me a smile before excusing himself.

If they were together, which I highly doubt, it could be why Zaia accepted the rejection so fast… and why Valerie lied about losing the child.


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