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I Am The Luna (Moonlight Muse) novel Chapter 19


Two days have passed since that night, Valerie didn’t call again and even when I tried to leave a message or call. Nothing.

I guess Sebastian found out that we were in touch.

It leaves a bitterness inside of me, but he’s selfish… that’s clear enough. And as much as I want to find a way to keep in touch with Valerie, there is no way I can justify making her life harder just for my own benefit.

Sebastian’s wrath can get out of hand and if he punishes her for talking to me… well, it won’t be pretty and it’s unfair on her. She’s already done so much for me.

A part of me wants to fight him for it, but right now I’m pregnant, and my babies are a priority. I need to get my health back up first before I go against the world.

I’m at a coffee shop far away from Atticus’s pack. I had requested a meeting with my father anonymously. Saying I know where his daughter is. Surprisingly, he wanted to know, and it seems he has been searching for me.

I’m sitting in the private restaurant room of a hotel. The food has just arrived, yet Father hasn’t. Turning I scan the cobbled street outside. It’s a quiet area and the blinds are partially drawn, casting strips of light over the table and carpet.

I have a wide-brim hat on, with sunglasses, disguising myself the best I can.

The door opens and I look up just as a man wearing a black suit steps inside. His coppery-coloured hair is several shades darker than mine, and it is peppered with silver. His blue eyes instantly fall on me, and he motions for his men to stay outside.

“Keep watch,” he commands in his deep, gravelly voice.

“Yes Alpha,” someone replies quietly, and the door shuts behind him.

“So, you finally showed yourself,” he declares.

I stand up, knowing he’s recognised me.

“Father,” I say, bowing my head slightly to him.

“Zaia… and to think I’ve been looking for you.” There’s irritation in his voice, but not as much anger as I predicted.

That’s a good start.

I remove my glasses and hat as Dad stares at my stomach, a frown furrowing his brow.

“You’re carrying his child?” he asks sharply.

I look down before I motion for him to take a seat opposite me. “It’s a long story… but yes, I am.”

“And he discarded you?” he asks, his eyes flashing with anger as he sits down.

“Annalise returned, and they want to be together, and that’s fine, they can.”

Dad slams his fist onto the table, making the dishes rattle. “Does she know you’re pregnant?” he questions sharply.

Interesting, is Dad really angry at his favourite daughter?

“She does know,” I say quietly. “But I’m not here to ask you to fix things or to complain about her.”

He’s about to speak but stops as if the words I have spoken just registered.

He frowns as I motion at the food. “Let’s begin on the meal before it gets cold. I will fill you in.” I say.

His eyes meet mine, but he doesn’t argue and begins to put food on his plate, and I do the same. I had ordered a selection of dishes, most of which used to be his favourite. I just hope they still are.

For a few minutes, we are silent. The only sound is the tinkle of dishes and the rustle of cloth as he fills our plates up. When we are finally done, I wait for Dad to tuck in first before I begin eating my own food.

“I have a proposal,” I state when he’s taken his first bite.

“And what may that be?” Dad asks, cocking a brow. “I told you that man is useless, that you were better off without him, and the same arrogant man you decided to marry has now tossed you aside.”

“It has nothing to do with Sebastian, father… and the time we were together, he was… good to me, until he decided to divorce me,” I whisper.

It still hurts, and no matter how strong I want to be, I don’t know if this pain will go away.

Taking a deep breath I look at the man before me, the man who practically disowned me the moment I accepted Sebastian as my mate.

“My proposal is, you only have two daughters, Annalise and myself, and you need to have an heir who can successfully run the pack.”

“Are you offering me the offspring of Sebastian King?! Never! A King will never run the Toussaint pack!”

“Father, not my child, Goddess! They are not even born yet!”


“I’m having twins,” I say.

His eyes widen in surprise before he nods in understanding and for a second, I thought I saw a glimmer of a smile on his lips.

“Ah I see,” he says curtly, taking a sip of his wine. “Then?”


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