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I Am The Luna (Moonlight Muse) novel Chapter 201

Aran frowns, and there’s a glimmer of surprise in his eyes.

So, he didn’t know about Gerard.

He needs to know everything. I realise that if I need to get through to someone as stubborn as Aran King, then I need to be firm and clear.

Feeling a little more certain, I continue, quickly telling him how Sebastian had divorced me because of the threats, how his life was threatened and so was mine. The poisoning whilst I was pregnant, Atticus, Valerie, what the man had said to her. I tell him everything and return to Gerard.

“…he admitted to being the shooter, and he threatened me. He wants me to stay away from Sebastian and that he is the reason Sia is sick. Before my babies were born, he had someone inject me with something. God knows which visit or where this happened, but he attempted to blackmail me. If I stay away from Sebastian, he will give me the antidote Sia needs.”

For the first time, there’s concern on his face. “There’s something wrong with her?”

I nod, “We have tried so many avenues, even tried to heal her naturally. So many tests have been performed. Attempted treatment, nothing has worked. She is extremely weak.” I explain, my heart clenching at the thought of my little one.

“And so learning of Gerard’s involvement, you pushed him?” he says frowning.

“Not entirely. I pushed him after he kissed me forcefully and in my rage, I pushed him off me. Sebastian only took the blame to protect me,” I say quietly.

“Then you should be in prison, not him,” he answers.

“Maybe, but Gerard is a monster and Sebastian and I are a team and will always protect one another, no matter who hates us for it and that won’t change.”

He shakes his head, smirking humourlessly.

“It’s too late. Far too late.”

Those words again, I’m sure he said them that day it all happened too.

“What do you mean?” I ask.

He sits back, pressing his fingertips together.


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