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I Am The Luna (Moonlight Muse) novel Chapter 208

I place two chicken drumsticks on her plate, and then on my own before adding the pie, and she smiles up at me.

‘Thank you,’ she says through the mind connection.

‘Always.’ I respond.

I could get used to this.

She’s made all my favourites from cheese and potato pie, grilled ribs and steak, roasted potato, chilli con carne and there’s vegetable rice. There are two salads, as well as a few dips. She really did go all out.

She’s a superwoman.

I smile, watching the kids tuck into their chicken happily. I look down at Sia. She’s a lot smaller than Zion.


She’s blood-related to him, yet he had no remorse and still tried to kill my children… I want him dead.

But right now, the incentive is doing what’s needed for Sia and I don’t care who has to pay the price.

She looks up at me as if noticing I’m watching and picks up her tissue, wiping her mouth quickly, and gives me a huge smile.

“Princess, you can have a dirty face, and I wouldn’t care,” I tell her quietly, making her giggle and nod.

I caress the back of her head as she continues eating and my brows furrow.

The antidote…


I glance over at Zaia, who is watching me with concern, her hand resting on top of mine on her leg.

“Yes?” I answer, pushing my thoughts away and giving her a small smirk.

“Is everything ok?”

“Absolutely,” I respond, winking at her.

As expected, she smiles softly and relaxes.

She doesn’t need to worry about my problems.

“The food is delicious, by the way.” I compliment, taking a bite of my pie.

“Thanks,” she replies.

The others chat and I give my input here and there as we eat, enjoying the food and I relax in the company of my family.


It’s much later, and I had to force Mom to leave. If Dad figures out where she is it would just be more drama. She leaves reluctantly, begging to be able to see the kids again, and only when Zaia promises she can, does she leave?


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