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I Am The Luna (Moonlight Muse) novel Chapter 215

Chapter 0215 

Everyone is to shift and prepare to shift. We strengthen our youth from a young age. Running, sports, selfdefence, we start with these, and we teach them in a way that when we come of age, we will shift.” 

The meeting with the high members of the staff has commenced, and two hours have already passed

Before the meeting me, Sebastian, Jai, Justin, and Valerie had sat down and made some points, so we were all on the same page

Sebastian sits back in his chair at times, combing his fingers through his beard, listening silently. He had been welcomed back happily and even now as he sits there, allowing me to take the helm of the discussion, he still gives input when necessary. Still backs me when I need it

That is extreme, isn’t it? For them to have to be burdened with that expectation?Ashton, one of the trainers, asks seriously

Not if it’s something that they know and believe is part of us, just like breathing. Shifting was painful the first and second time I attempted it. To that point, I never shifted again. But now, I can shift, and it doesn’t hurt, and we heal better and faster.” 

That is truebut you are a Blood Born.Ashton sounds uncertain as he stares down at the plan I had outlined and given to everyone

Alpha Sebastian is a fine example of what is possible. After all, against the beliefs of society and before we knew of the Blood Borns, he was a shifter who was perfectly in tune with his wolf.” 

She is correct, and I have been doing my own research, the Blood Born is very real and it is terrifying. We have to thank the goddess for what she has given us,Margaret says firmly

A murmur of agreement follows

I will write up a statement that is to be given to each member of this pack, and a version for the children, too. As one, we can prove that we are werewolves and that we have not forgotten that.I say

I think that’s fair,Jai says

And you mention bringing back the full moon runs and monthly celebrations. for those who will turn eighteenso we are turning back time in a way.Another 

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man mulls uncertainty clear in his voice. Those times were darkthere were pack battles and 

“It still exists, only now a selected team works to combat them. We are still going to protect our people. We are still going to keep ties with our allies. But we are also going to strengthen every single one of us.I say firmly

Atticus Payne and our pack are also official allies and, of course, Hugh Toussaint’s pack,Sebastian says leaning forward. There are enemies out there. and until we know what the Sable are planning, everyone needs to be on the lookout. Trust your Alpha, she is and always will be the one to guide you to the right patheven if we are in a disagreement or have a difference of opinion. Remember that she is the one you need to follow.” 

There it is again, that uneasy feeling that accompanies his words. Why does it feel like he’s saying goodbye? Or that he may not always be here or worse, have a different opinion

Does this mean that you, Alpha Sebastian, will not reclaim the title as Alpha?” 

I am still an Alpha, regardless of if I’m officially sworn in as the head of the pack, am I not?Sebastian says challengingly as he looks the man dead in the eye

I understand, but the strength-” 

I can take all of you here aside from my woman singlehanded and come out victorious, I assure you, I do not need the title.There’s a finality in his voice as the table goes extremely quiet

The title is hers, and until she has to claim her father’s pack, she will hold on to this title. Regardless of who holds the official title, we are a team, and this pack is ours.Sebastian finishes

Jai smirks before he begins clapping, breaking the tense silence

Well said, Alpha, well said.” 

I smile softly. You know, this pack is yours and I do want you to reclaim your title.” 

When the time is right, we will see what happens. Let’s finish this meeting, Little Fox, there is a lot pending. You have another meeting after this, do you not?‘ 

The rogues… 

I nod as I turn back to the table, and we move on to discussing the possible threats with the Sable and how we will prepare for those… 

Sebastian’s hand ghosts up my legs at times and our eyes lock, the pull between 

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us dangerously intense, and I can’t wait for his lips to be on mine…. 

My phone beeps, and usually I would ignore it when I realise it is from Dad

One moment, I do apologise,I say, picking it up and unlocking it

My heart thumps as I read the message, a sliver of worry rushing through me


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