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I Am The Luna (Moonlight Muse) novel Chapter 25


I press my foot on the brake as I wait for the security guards to unlock the large gates that leads to the entrance of our home. Once the large gates swing open, I drive through.

“Good evening Madam,” the night security guard says, tipping his hat to me.

“Good evening, Aaron,” I reply, sliding my car window up.

I glance up at the house when it comes into view. The upstairs window lights are on and due to the warmth, a few of the windows are open.

The sound of a child’s laughter reaches my ears, and it’s like music. I park up in the driveway and turning the ignition off, I get out and shut the door quietly, wanting to surprise them.

I lock the car doors and make my way up the three steps that lead to the large four-bedroom home. Dad did not hold back. He gave us this when we first arrived.

Not only is it in a private area, but it’s extremely secure on all sides. The property itself has large walls topped with spikes surrounding it.

“Come on, time for bed!” Mom’s voice rings in the air.

Oh, he’s being a handful again!

I shake my head, unable to stop the smile from spreading on my face. I step inside and lock the door behind me. Putting my bag and keys down, I kick my heels off and stretch.

Goddess, it’s been a long day…

I cross the large square hallway and hurry up the carpeted stairs, glad I made it home before they fall asleep.

The door to their bedroom stands open, there're toys and towels strewn across the carpeted floor, and I pick them up. I massage the back of my neck as I stop in the doorway and peer inside.

Mom is sitting on one of the two beds that are against one wall with a chest of three drawers standing between the two beds.

“Mommy is home!” I gasp when my three-year-old son barrels into me, wrapping his arms around my thighs. “Mommy! I made an airplane!”

I smile down at my little Zion, and he stares back at me with bright blue eyes and black hair. A spitting image of his father, right down to the dimples in his cheeks.

I crouch down and pull him in for a hug. “Hey Superman, show me this plane,” I say when I move back and tug his cheeks lightly.

“Ok, Mommy!” He runs off, and I slowly stand up as I scan the room for my little Tinkerbell.

I notice her in the bed, hidden behind Mom, I walk over to them and kiss Mom’s forehead softly as she beams up at me.

“Ah Zaia, you’re home, thank the goddess.”

She always worries until I’m home and safe. That’s what mothers do.

She gets up and I sit down as the girl in the bed stirs.

She’s already asleep…

I brush back her dark copper-coloured hair, my heart clenching slightly.

My princess almost never made it… she spent six months after her birth in hospital until she was deemed strong enough to leave… despite being three years old, she is extremely small, unlike Zion, who looks older than his age.

They both are of Alpha blood, but my Tinkerbell doesn’t have much weight and is quite petite in size, but she’s no less bright than her brother.

“Mommy…” she whispers, her eyes fluttering open. Grey eyes stare back at me, and I nod.

“Yes, my darling, I’m right here,” I whisper, kissing her forehead.


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