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I Am The Luna (Moonlight Muse) novel Chapter 38

I Am The Luna by Moonlight Muse Chapter 38

A Mother Making Plans. 

SEBASTIAN. She ends the call… I look down at the phone, about to type up a text to her when I pause. She needs some time.

I’ve hurt her and to make things right, I need to show her that and give her the time she needs…

I sit back in my office chair and stare at the ceiling. Her birthmark… I’ve been trying to research. that symbol for so long, maybe I need to search Blood Born and Celestial Lunar…

I will check it on my other laptop.

“Sebastian!” Mom’s voice comes. I switch off my phone, slip it into my pocket and leave my office, locking the door behind me. The smell of coffee hits my nose before I spot her walking down the hall, holding the mug.

“There you are. I made you coffee. Are you turning in early today?” She asks with concern. I shake my head. “No, I was getting some work done. Where is Dad?”

Her smile falters, knowing how we aren’t on the best of terms right now, and she tilts her head. “Out. He’s gone with his friends for their weekly game night, remember?”

“Oh yeah, I forgot,” I say. She tilts her head, observing me. “Sebastian, are you alright? You’ve been training extremely hard lately. I heard…” She glances around as if someone might see us. “I heard you have been shifting more often and going… for runs.”

She says it as if it’s something to be ashamed about. “And is that not proper? I’m a werewolf, Mom. I find peace when I embrace that side of me.” I say quietly.

The words from Zaia’s book come back to me and I frown slightly. This conversation with Mom is something I wouldn’t have ever questioned, putting it down to her simply being a concerned mother. But now it’s showing me how much we are actually. growing further away from our truth and who we are meant to be.

“I know, but we have to tame the beasts within Look at the rogues, people think you’re going feral.” She says, pulling me gently into the laundry room and shutting the door.” Because you are mate-less.”

I shake my head. “Then you need not worry because I am not going feral. There’s nothing to be ashamed of.” I mutter, trying to hide my irritation. She nods, smiling apologetically. “I’m sorry, dear. I once said the same, and/got in so much trouble, I dared not shift again.”

I frown, looking down at her, before I move away, taking the mug from her and leaning against the counter. The smell of fabric softener is strong in the air and the humming of the tumble dryer is gentle in the background.


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