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I Am The Luna (Moonlight Muse) novel Chapter 41


I Am The Luna by Moonlight Muse Chapter 41

An Intruder 

ZAIA. “Lu- Ms Zaia…” I look up to see Daniel, one of Sebastian’s assistants, standing there. He lowers his head politely to me.

“It’s good to see you, Daniel,” I say quietly. No matter how devastated and upset I feel right now, I can’t let that affèct anything else. I smile as warmly as possible at him, and he smiles. back brightly.

“It’s lovely to see you again, ma’am.” “It is,” I say, touching his arm for a second before I excuse myself. There are cops everywhere, I wonder what happened…

I walk down the hall, my two guards flanking me as I enter the main lobby heading for the food court. “Ma’am. There’s been a situation and the food department has been suspended.

I sigh. “Understood. Are we free to leave?”

The officer looks me over before he nods. “Yes, come. I’ll make sure they let you out.” “Thank you,” I reply, glad to get out of there, but I don’t know how I would face Mom or Dad.

Tell them that I failed. The car is brought, and I get in, slipping my shades on.

Maybe I should have fought harder… but he had thrown me off. The drive back to the villa we are residing at passes by faster than I would have liked.

I check up on Jai and Valerie via text, trying not to think about what has just gone down. There’s no change yet, but the full moon will be at its peak in to days from now. I have hope…

I step out of the car, forlorn and tired. I know things like this happen often, but when you spent so long on something… it was almost in my grasp.


The door opens before I even reach it. “Surprise!” Zion and Sia say, making me jump. I stare around the hall, and the congratulations. sign that is plastered across the wall opposite.

Oh, no….

They had such high expectations…

I look down at my precious jewels and crouching down, pull them both into my arms, kissing the top of their heads. They make me happy. “Congratulations, Zaia,” Father says, making me look up. How do I tell them I didn’t get it?

“Shouldn’t we… be celebrating once the paperwork is sealed? Things haven’t been finalised yet…” I say, feeling awful for lying.

But the excitement on the children’s faces and the pride on Dad’s is too much for me to break their hearts right now. The children don’t need to know, but I will tell Dad later.

“Well, don’t keep her. Come Zaia, dinner is ready. I made your favourite.” Mom says with at smile. “I ordered your favourite,” Dad adds, giving Mom a pointed look.

Mom scoffs, rolling her eyes before she walks off. One week under the same roof must be hard… 1

I have no idea what Annette would think of that, knowing her husband is under the same roof as his ex-wife. Dinner passes in a blur as I keep smiling, pretending I’m happy as I eat and drink away, trying to drown my worries.

“Are you alright Zaia, you don’t usually drink much?” Mom asks, concerned. “Of course she doesn’t, if the wine is the cheap stuff you keep,” Dad says arrogantly.

I giggle. “You two are like an angry married couple, who don’t know how to feel….” I say, suddenly feeling upset. “I was celebrating how my day went. Can I not have a drink or two?” I add, staring at my wine.

“Are you sure everything is alright, Zaia?” Dad asks me sharply. I glance over at the kids, who are eating their pudding, giggling, and whispering about us adults.

“Everything is perfect,” I say. I don’t want to answer anything today… but tomorrow… tomorrow I’ll face it all, “Alright! Let’s get you guys to bed!” I say, jumping up from my seat. I grab my glass and the bottle when Mom stands up.

“Go get some rest, you deserve it, for giving your best… I’ll get the children to bed.” She says. I look at her sharply, my heart thudding. Does she know?

“Yes! Grandma can get us to bed, Mommy, are you tired?” Zion asks. I shake my head. “No, I’ll get you two into bed. I want to. Come on.” I take Sia’s hand and lead the way upstairs, dropping the bottle and glass off at my room before we then make our way to the children’s room, ready to get them settled into bed.

Mom pops her head in when I’m showering them, and I know she’s just concerned because I had drunk a little more than normal. I’m fine, maybe a little more emotional.

Being a werewolf, our tolerance to alcohol is rather high. We can get drunk though, and that is exactly what I plan to do once my children are asleep. Lock my door, get drunk, and wallow in my loss.

“…and then, they lived happily ever after…” I whisper, closing the book as I look at Sia and  ion, both fast asleep on either side of me.

Sia is on my arm, whilst Zion has his arms. wrapped around the other one, allowing me to use my hand to hold the book.

I kiss them both softly before I close the book and slowly ease out of bed. Tucking them in, I dim the lights and check Sia’s pulse and her medication chart. Me and mom have been keeping on top of it perfectly…

But they aren’t helping…

I return to my room, close the door behind me, and lock it. I massage my neck, rolling the kinks out of it, falling on my glass of wine and the bottle.

I’m sure it wasn’t empty when I left it there. The glass standse ss of Mm, maybe I have drunk too much. Groaning, I pull open the buttons of my blouse, put some music on from my phone and toss it onto the bed. I grab the bottle, pouring myself a glass when my heart skips a beat.

A shadow falls over me and I spin around, ready to smash whoever it is over the head with the bottle, when a hand clamps over my mouth, the other snatching the bottle from me and placing it down.


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